1. thezenunderground on

      One thing that was painfully obvious from the trump crypto speech: he had no clue what Bitcoin is and couldn’t give a fuck. It was the most blatant pandering I’ve ever seen. And I’m bullish on the shit

    2. deepFnButthole on

      Alright boys that was a good work out. I’m going to jump in the shower. See you in there.

    3. Watching highlights of Brazil Japan women’s beach volleyball match…this is my new favorite sport 😍

    4. Anyone still betting against NVDA after it made a 6% reversal off of 106 should probably have their port credentials revoked

    5. Bro, try this craft beer I got. Please bro. It’s from a brewery I went to on vacation in Colorado. The bartenders name was Chris. Super cool dude bro. Please try it. It’s called Anal Cat Piss. It’s a wheat ale bro. Please bro, try it please. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    6. Mediocre_Motor_6814 on

      Watching beach volleyball as a fan of the sport. I hate home some pigs sexualize these beautiful athletes.

    7. I already have 3 calls in deep red, fuck gambling, I set safe limit buys on safe stocks and sleep. Options is already regard gambling, but combine that with being a regard yourself that hardly understands it, and your chances of winning are dumb small.

    8. Is limit down on the Eve of a new war in the Middle East on the books?? Probably not 😔

    9. All my money tied up in calls of NVDA and INTC. Unless I am able to close some of them due to good profit. No moves.

    10. trainwreck001 on

      Some of y’all are Regarded Canadians and it shows ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    11. Cathie_D_Wood on

      Imagine not watching Beach Volleyball when it’s the kind of prestigious matchup of sporting giants that it is

    12. TIL Cat Scratch Fever is not just a song 45 year old strippers get naked to but it’s also a real thing you can get if a cat scratches you apparently.

    13. Dismal_While579 on

      Can I pelase get my flair changed to

       “MUH ROTATION 🌎🌓🪐🌞🌀🌊🕢⚽📀”

    14. Mr_Worst_Timing on

      Hey there fellow regards. Been on the road all day. Anything exciting happen while I was gone?

    15. Yogurt_Up_My_Nose on

      I just watched this Puerto Rican guy jump out of his Truck and scream Trump Trump Trump at this guy handing out flyers outside the supermarket then walk away, then walk back and take a flyer. then when he got in the store he screamed. “Salt and Vinegar!” “I love Oil and Vinegar”. it was like 4:30 dude. calm it.

    16. Freaking FedEx package has said out for delivery so I stayed home going better not change it to tomorrow ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    17. Fiddlediddle888 on

      Market will be red red red tomorrow, the situation in the Middle East is is rapidly deteriorating, or as my Nam vet father would say, shit is going sideways.

    18. You all are going to regret not having corning (glw) before earnings. The guidance should make it jump back to $46 this week alone (at least).

    19. Debating whether I should sell about 500 shares of $asts at market open. I believe in them long term but man the recent news shouldn’t make them pump this much.

    20. I thought corn was not supposed to be tied to fiat currency but corn Bros excited about 🥭 backing strategic reserve. Isn’t this sacreligious or anything that pumps corn is good for corn?

    21. Last sell week of Nasdaq. Thinking of going all in on tqqq start of august. Bet it would be a 30% month.

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