+181k so far, 80k just over the last two days by shorts closing. Now I'm so ready for the extra hype retail buyers on Monday, should be set for another nice run. $50 by newyear?


    Posted by KeuningPanda


    1. SnowballSnozberry on

      I had serious fomo and got in at 18.85, options exp next week. I need this double u

    2. $50 seems crazy by year end but if the launch in September goes well, the unfurling is flawless, and Block 3 is delivered by year end (or at least on track for early Q1) then maybe I could see $30’s.

    3. I didn’t even know about this company until everyone started posting gain porn

    4. P_BatemanPhonkMix on

      $5B market cap is super small for having such high revenue, definitely deserves $10 or even $100B market cap imo.

    5. fond_diagram5 on

      Also 25% short and institutions loading by the day. Effective float is shrinking

    6. Ahh, a fellow Belgian on here! Good luck tomorrow. I had some fun with ASTS last week. Might jump in again pre market tomorrow.

    7. WendyzStockBae on

      I’ll consider buying it once it has a healthy pullback.

      I am absolutely sure if I buy it now the stock will lose 20% in a day or so lol.

    8. ShortOnGummies on

      Where was everyone speaking about this stock 3 months ago? So many people posting gain porn but no one wanted to share earlier? F you guys

    9. Didn’t bother looking up the company profile, you had me at Ass Tits. I’m in.

    10. I grabbed some of this like 6 weeks ago and had like 200 shares. Sold off 100 with a covered call and am hesitant to buy more because I believe 19ish is considered the fair value.

      Although if they have a successful launch and earnings look good here in a few weeks, that may change I suppose.

    11. Plus_Seesaw2023 on

      This stock will dump -25% by Wednesday. But good luck.

      You are up +180,000 ???

      Take a big big big screenshot ☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️

    12. What will be the good asts play for the week?? Would be nice to join the train

    13. My call got green so fast that I rolled it and now it’s red, please blast past $23 tomorrow…or at least in the next month or two.

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