Everyone and their mother is already talking about how the markets will be spooked this week, and as usual, it’ll do the exact opposite. The reasoning is simple: people sell out of spookiness early, and when world war 3 doesn’t happen, there’s no more sellers left so all prices can do is go up.

    Last time there was a war scare, the market recovered within a week or two and we quickly went back to ATHs. Rule #1 of the market: when everyone expects a dip, it’s not going to happen.

    Combine this knowledge with the fact that Cramer recently said everyone wants to get out of NVDA, and it becomes an obvious choice to go into NVDA again. Let’s also not forget earnings are coming up and Wall Street loves to create havoc to get cheaper calls.

    Buy the fear.

    NVDA 130 C 8/16

    Middle East War will bump up the markets, not down
    byu/btctrader12 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by btctrader12


    1. pointme2_profits on

      Sooo, did you notice SPY the Monday/Tuesday after Iran launched missiles into Israel ? Small players fighting mean nothing. If Iran and Israel get involved. It’s trouble.

    2. Electrical_Quality_6 on

      America must support Israel with  anything they need. 🇺🇸🤝🇮🇱

      This means an higher rise in domestic manufacturing export for America.
      a Long term contract commitment shipment daily on a timeline ?
      USA should allow for an lasting Israeli peace.

      Middle East is in great turmoil

    3. Since this post is inversing the market fear, I will inverse this post. Poots it is.

    4. It depends whether the markets are on a short-term basis overvalued or not. If the markets are trading a lot above their moving averages and are due for a pullback, then a big international event typically triggers a market correction, even if that event does not have much relevance for the economy, take e.g. the Hamas attack against Israel.

      It’s then a matter of traders deciding to cash in on their profits so that they can watch the news instead of monitoring the charts. If the markets are already down to the shorter-term moving averages, then the markets would be in for a rebound, but such a rebound may then be shallower and stall out as traders decide to follow whatever international event is occurring.

    5. Trippintunez on

      There won’t be a war. No one really wants the sauce with Israel. They just want to get some headlines and bad PR for Israel when they respond. An actual war would be like prime Mike Tyson fighting prime Stephen Hawking.

    6. ManyCommunications on

      Dude talks about NVDA earnings and proceeds with positions that expire before the ER even releases. I fucking love this

    7. Ill-Independence-658 on

      Hasn’t there been an ongoing state of war in the ME for like the last 3000 years?

    8. MammothBites on

      The markets don’t really care so there’s no sense in trying to predict a reaction. It’ll go up or down and it’ll have nothing to do with the headlines you’ve read

    9. Itchy-Experienc3 on

      World war 3 has already been raging for a while it’s just the market has already priced it in.

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