CRWD currently down 2.5% AH following news that Delta is seeking legal action on MSFT and CRWD following the global outage 👀👀

    Delta is seeking compensation from Crowdstrike and Microsoft following global outage
    byu/xRy951 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by xRy951


    1. redditmodsRrussians on

      *Southwest looks on sheepishly*

      “Can I get a piece of that action too, Delta Senpai?”

    2. wasifaiboply on

      “The airline has hired a law firm to explore potential legal actions.”

      lmao They’re just trying to negotiate their annual $MSFT and $CRWD renewals.

    3. Best we can do is an $11 Uber eats gift card, $10 was extremely generous but we like you as a customer so we bumped it up

    4. GraceBoorFan on

      Surprised this is the first company to come forward seeking compensation considering how many businesses were affected.

    5. It has begun! Lawyer combat!

      Edit – It’s owned by so many funds that they will try to slow the decline. They don’t want a rush for the exits, which would cause it to gap down, and all of them will get borked. So, it will probably be a slow melt-down.

      Then again, in this clown market, ATH incoming!

    6. Please bring the stock back down i have puts and I’m not a fan of it going back up above 260 today

    7. Mean_Office_6966 on

      Will this open the floodgate for other companies to jump in the bandwagon?

      Delta got hit really bad. It’s recovery was really slow and dire.

    8. Mean_Office_6966 on

      Those that entered since start of the year would have owned shares of at least $300.

    9. Cathie buy the dip Woods HAHAHAHA she bought way to early. Like always she sucks at trading.

    10. Well they did bypass Microsoft kernel certification by pushing Data files in binary with hidden code so their kernel driver could be updated.

      “any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice”

    11. JayArlington on

      If it goes to trial… puts on DAL.

      Discovery will highlight just how shitty their IT function is and why it took them so much longer to recover compared to the rest of their industry (AAL was back online within hours).

    12. ElectricalGene6146 on

      Idk why they think they can get a penny from Microsoft. They were the ones that installed 3rd party sw on their systems that bricked them.

    13. added to spy and immediately shits the bed, wouldn’t be surprised if clients realize they don’t need crwd services and retail+funds all run for the exit at once, even a 100x valuation implies an 80% drop. Down to 50.

    14. mattenthehat on

      I love how these airlines seem to think they operate in a vacuum (pun intended). Southwest collapses for a week and tries to blame it on the weather every other airline had no trouble with. Delta collapses for a week and blames it on the IT issue that every other company in the world has dealt with the same day it occurred. Like, we all live on this world too, airlines. We see what’s happening around us. You can’t just blame your failures on the same issues we all deal with lol

    15. Also of note is that nobody appeared to do a drop of in-house testing on their systems before going live. Yes, it was a colossal screw up, but it should also have been caught by your in-house IT before it got pushed out. We rely and trust 3rd party “solutions” a little too much,

    16. Pureskull494 on

      The best thing about this whole ordeal is skeletor woman at congress calls are worth jack sheet

    17. KevinCarbonara on

      They deserve a payment from Crowdstrike. But Microsoft? Absolutely not. Microsoft attempted to prevent this nearly two decades ago, by moving to an API-based model, but AV companies threatened lawsuits, so Microsoft backed down. Microsoft could probably sue Crowdstrike at this point.

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