Apple says it uses no Nvidia GPUs to train its AI models

    Posted by GraceBoorFan


    1. Because they can’t get their hands on any chips, all sold out, so they bought google chips to test their AI on and will likly will be one of the first to get Nvidias premium Blackwell chips when released

    2. Specific_Concern649 on

      >In the research paper, Apple did not explicitly say that it uses no Nvidia chips, but its description of the hardware and software infrastructure of its AI tools and features lacked any mention of Nvidia hardware.

      Wtf is this article. Anyways puts on NVIDIA. Not because of this but because the market doesn’t make sense anyways.

    3. Particular_Base3390 on

      They use Google TPUs, they already said so. If goog had less of a shitty CEO they would already be worth 5 trillion based on TPU and waymo alone.

    4. While Apple keeps their ecosystem closed. They would never allow another company to lock them in Nvidia’s CUDA is closed system. My guess Apple currently working on designing their own training AI chips. GPUs not the future for AI, ASICs are.

    5. Yogurt_Up_My_Nose on

      People act like Apple is the most regarded yet most profitable company in the world. then act surprised every time they end up making even more money. they’ve had slowed growth for 1.5 years now. now there’s reports that China’s sales have stabilized.

    6. ***”In the research paper, Apple did not explicitly say that it uses no Nvidia chips”***

      Direct quote from the same damned article.

      How is Reuters this bad now? Shit.

    7. AI integration will not spur sales of its products or upgrades as it is hoping.

    8. I guess OpenAI doing all the training for them, therefore they can made statement like this. Lol

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