Officially done day trading. You can see there was a period of time where I previously quit, but some friends got me back into it and it only ended badly. This money was suppose to be used for college. Going to have to work even more now to make up for it. Strictly long term investing now. Have my 401k, Roth IRA, and personal investments.

    Posted by CommunicationRight57


    1. college no longer makes much mathematical sense. Youre better off driving a UPS truck.

      Edit: Unless you get an almost full-ride scholarship, or you go to one of a handful of colleges with an incredible alumni network and also major in something useful

    2. satoshisfeverdream on

      Looks like you only lost community college money if it makes you feel any better.

    3. Big_Biscotti_1259 on

      No worries. Take a year off and same money.![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189) don’t quit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    4. NotTakenGreatName on

      Champ, you don’t need a Bachelor’s to be the best damn fry cook at Wendy’s.

    5. its time to get a job at wendys and start throwing those bi weekly checks on bi weekly short term gambles and pray top the ape gods.

    6. GotBannedAgain_2 on

      Damn OP! I am sorry man. Been there. Hell, lost another 7K few months back, on top of the 70K total loss. Just keep your chin up. Focus on your studies. Don’t play this game until and when u feel ready again. Better yet, walk away bro. No feel is worse in the world when u lose money.

    7. Chart-trader on

      Who needs college!

      Go to r/mylife sucks
      r/shit I have to work for money
      r/life is expensive and the Government should pay for it

      and you see that even after college you would feel poor anyway

    8. StocksStormTrooper on


    9. StrikingEquivalent39 on

      You didn’t lose it , someone else is taking care of it . Get a trade and you make money from day one

    10. NoKangaroo5425 on


    11. Mountain_Grab on

      I failed, so I’m going to quit forever. Ah, the American way is strong as ever. God Bless us

    12. You don’t need a degree, use your brain, you just have to do the exact opposite of what you did.

    13. Gotta ask, options? No way you lost this much on actual stock ownership even with the recent market sell offs.

    14. And that’s why forgiving college debt would just make people borrow and end up paying more.

    15. Any_March_9765 on

      hey look at it this way, maybe this saved you from getting into massive college debt :/ I honestly don’t think people make more money with a college degree anymore…

    16. Risking over 8k of college money aww ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

      Start with $250 and build the profile for next 5 years to 20k, slow and steady win the race.

    17. On a positive note, you limited your regarded gambling to a amount of money that won’t ruin you for life.

    18. Now you’ve taken the “crash” course. Use that last $99 to get back up on the damn horse

    19. DewaltMaximaCessna on

      I commuted to state school to save money just to lose 80k in the market on puts 10 years later

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