Posted by Chad__Tyrone


    1. with the way daddy Garcia has been dropping shares, wouldn’t surprise me if this thing fucking tanks

    2. Then Carvana comes back and announces bankruptcy. Or at least that would be my luck. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    3. For what it’s worth I don’t think they’re over paying anymore. They were actually 5% under a local dealer’s first offer on a vehicle I traded in 30 days ago, which was on the lower end of blue book trade in value.

    4. IamInternationalBig on

      As long as banks continue to finance this company, CVNA can cook the books as long as they want.

      CVNA buying the auction house to vertically monopolize their supply isn’t a terrible strategy. And their business model is consumer friendly.

      I want to go in with puts, but I think I’ll wait a little bit. I just don’t feel now is the time to pull the trigger.

    5. Joe_Early_MD on

      Breaking bad should have featured these clowns as the money laundering scheme. That has to be exactly what they are doing.

    6. Carmaxx/ Ford /Gm /Stellantis/ Tesla all took hits due to sales.
      Autonation AN gonna also take a hit. Covid over Covid money gone. Banks ain’t doing 125%LTV. The average car payments America is $700. Middle class Americans driving $850 on a loaded Kia Sorrento. Repo auction is crazy. Lots on lost of cars with 10k-20k miles. Lol the “chip shortage” crash! 💥

    7. RisingToMediocrity on

      You don’t long this stock, you clowns. You go in and out for earnings only.

    8. Federal_Ad_197 on

      There’s gonna be some regard who full ports on cvna puts the week before they collapse and is going to retire a multimillionaire. Idk if that’s this year or in 10 years with how this ponzi is going

    9. I sold my 2023 z71 Tahoe with 20k miles to them for 53k lol and then financed a 23k vehicle with a 13% interest rate because I lost 130k selling index calls July 4th weekend.

    10. They(carvanna) bought a family members van for 13k it was beat up. Blue books gave it 7k-9k range. Tried selling it on the street for 10k for 2 months and then checked carvanna. This was 2 months ago.

      Puts for sure

    11. This may be anecdotal but as an auto enthusiast there are some awesome deals to be had right now on the used market. Buyers have an upper hand on over the sellers not seen since the mid 2010s IMO. After Covid, the sellers (dealers and private party) had all the strong hand. That’s significantly changed thanks to production schedules being normalized and high interest rates on car loans

    12. If they play smells like teen spirit in those shiet boxes. They can sell all those cars that are just on window display.

    13. lol, my puts are so burned. indeed, the Garcia family (the old man) is a crook, and the business is pure shit.

      so naturally, i bought puts some time ago (expire in Jan 2025), and they are just about worthless.

      me of little faith in under-estimating the insanity of the market.

    14. lol, i sold a far otm call spread last time and got burned hard. needed to go up 20% for me to lose profit but it went up 30% rip

      that said, i just shorted some shares this time

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