1. Before you go balls deep on NVDA puts, this is literally from the article,

      “Still, Google is one of Nvidia’s top customers. It uses Nvidia’s GPUs its own *[sic]* TPUs for training AI systems, and also sells access to Nvidia’s technology on its cloud.”

    2. A_Starving_Scientist on

      What is with these companies that think AI means you can skirt copyright law? Someone is going to be made an example of.

    3. WackFlagMass on

      I really don’t see a diff. AVGO goes down when NVDA goes down and goes up when NVDA goes up. There’s like, literally no diff betw the price movements of these two competitors lol

      Anyway I’d still buy puts in NVDA regardless since it already broke 110

    4. LearnNewThingsDaily on

      AI expert here… I don’t think you understand what that really means.
      It means that AAPL is using a shit ton of simple supervised machine learning models and NOT deep learning models.

      Also, this means these simple models are written in tensorflow.

      TPU is basically slightly better than a CPU but way worse than GPU.

      I think they have a shit ton of machine learning that they to apply to control their data so they can have better datasets to incorporate deep learning models.

      Even SIRI was nothing more than a RNN, not a transformer.

      Hope this helps.

      Basically, AAPL is behind in this area but since wall street is fucking stupid, buy the dip

    5. Investingforlife on

      I thought it was common knowledge that Apple and Nvidia don’t generally do business together 🤷🏻‍♂️

    6. Priced in. Literally thousands of Apple and Google employees know this for years

    7. GRIFF_______________ on

      Haha love how there are 17 other people in this thread at 4 a m haha

      Everybody is STRESSED to the max in here rn.
      I see red tomorrow

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