1. Worried_Quarter469 on

      There is a high probability that most of the words and phrases we use today are thanks to dementia

      * bigly
      * Tim Apple
      * covfefe

    2. Frozen_Shades on

      One of these things is not like the other! One of these things is not the same.

    3. Mr_Canada1867 on

      So tired im gonna drop dead on my 25min walk to work ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    4. theknowndudereturns on

      worst part of winning with penny stocks is that once you have realized profits but the stock keeps pumping you want to fomo back in and lose everything

      made 4k on serv and it would have been 18k by now

    5. StockholmStock on

      McDonald’s just reported it’s first drop in sales in half a decade, recession is coming

    6. ColdWhisper7 on

      all i wanna do is quit my job, live of my etfs and play wow ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    7. Substantial_Quail432 on

      547.05 Is the level to treat as a breakthrough. If it can get above that at anytime I think the SPY is in good shape. Any break today below 543 will probably result in a very very steep drop.

    8. Investingforlife on

      Another day of posts praying NVDA drops to $50, but also having the potential to be $5T by eoy🙌

    9. TSLA is buying up all available EV credits, while adoption of electric vehicles is slowing. What common word to describe WSBers word sums this up?

    10. Another day I regret not selling my NVDA calls at $140 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    11. If Spain loses this basketball game I’m calling into work sick and drinking today

    12. Substantial_Quail432 on

      More good news. Futures E Mini SPY would’ve bottomed out by now if the market was in trouble within the next week. We probably have another good couple of days before this thing gets red.

    13. No-Kitchen6207 on

      if NVDA goes down just means I can buy otm 130 calls for earnings release cheaper

    14. Substantial_Quail432 on

      5453.50 On futures is the level to look for today. A break below is trouble.

    15. LINE fully erect ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    16. Worried_Quarter469 on

      Wow car insurance inflation is because there were 20% more car accidents in the 6 months after COVID work from home ended 😂

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