its printing time. i was scrolling through WSB and saw a highly distinguished gambler make positive remarks about $PYPL, so naturally i bought in right away. this is about 45% of my portfolio.

    trust in your fellow regards to pave the path for you to become the store manager Wendy’s. this is the way.

    1 Call $53 8/2

    its not much, but its honest work. its currently valued at 5.95 (pre-market). if it goes the other way, you know where to find me.

    Posted by SoggyInfluence2743


    1. Potential_Guest4936 on

      One of us! I played it yesterday and went all in. I hope it goes > $65 today, that’s where real money is.

      +2,691 PYPL @ 58.57
      +100 Aug 2 (4d) 65 C
      +123 Aug 2 (4d) 80 C
      +10 Aug 16 (18d) 50 C

    2. They made so bad in the past years that there is no place to get worse anymore. Even my warrant cannot believe that it goes up and freezed.

    3. Pypl is a proff that good earnings don’t matter. People are fixed on the idea it’s worthless and that’s it.

    4. This is exactly why I try not to play earnings. Consumer spending is down, and Visa just missed guidance. I literally wouldn’t have guessed this was a good play

    5. chewbaccashotlast on

      PayPal has been a tricky stock to own and play, it wouldn’t surprise me if it made a nice a run since algos will be working. Question becomes if it is algos working to drive price up or down. This thing could finish 15% up or actually finish the day red based on high volume trading

    6. Significant-Let9889 on

      PYPL – “After his appointment as CEO last year, Chriss had said he expects to increase revenue outside of purely transaction-related volumes”

      Anyone know what that means?

    7. Paypal does this occasionally. Just don’t get stuck holding bags. Typically it rises about this much then crashes and burns. At least that’s what the charts look like if you zoom out. I think PP is a great product and use it constantly to both buy and sell but am still cautious around investing in it

    8. redditedoutagain on

      I played it too, and this is a good birthday present to wake up to today. Also played DRS and that also beat.

      +2 Aug 2 (4d) 66C
      +4 Aug 2 (4d) 67C
      +10 Aug 9 (11) 75C

      +7 Aug 16 (bought 7/24) 30C
      +15 Aug 16 (bought 7/24) 35C

    9. StraightAnswers99 on

      Amazing performance, paypal to the seashore at least 🚀, and then maybe in 2026 to the moon 🌙

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