McDonald's same-store sales fall for 1st time since 2020 | AP News

    The increase was due to a 40% Increase in paper, food, and "labor" (the robots McD's workers got canceled) prices. Though the number of customers declined, the sales decreases weren't as steep because of the higher prices.

    I'm not sure why there is an "everything is fine here, nothing to see." When inflation targets aren't "let's reduce them.. or let's get inflation to 0", it's let's get it to 2%. Well, CPI has skyrocketed, and wages are still flat. How long does everyone expect this to last?

    I've traveled extensively, including to third-world countries. I can tell you that governments are cool with you becoming impoverished. No AI singularity is going to normalize this. As somebody who has been doing machine learning and other digital intelligence since 2007, I can say the "AI" that gets talked about in the news is a pipe dream.

    Hell with it, I guess this means Long calls all around! Regard until the ship sinks! Tally ho!

    When you can't afford McDonalds anymore… (McDonalds sees same-store sales decline)
    byu/Shock2k inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Shock2k


    1. DM_me_feet_pics_plz on

      Me and everyone around me has become more health conscious since the pandemic. Working out, eating healthy, especially avoiding all the bullshit (and expensive) processed fast food.

      I would be hard pressed to believe that this is solely disposable income related

    2. McDs is still trying to luxuriate in the margins they had from covidpanic and the inflation excuse. They need to accept that they need to realign and lower prices.

    3. WeAreTheMachine368 on

      They should just rename it Hamburglar, cause those prices are plain theft.

    4. Plane_Vacation6771 on

      It’s not that ppl can’t afford it: its that it’s overpriced for the garbage food that it is. I can go to chipotle, or any local restaurant and eat healthier for roughly the same amount of money. They got McGreedy, and people switched to better options.

    5. Nicotine-Enthusiast on

      I switched to Chilis and Applebees. They have the 3 for $10 and their lunch special is cheaper than a combo at Mcdonalds.

    6. Bro, everyone is too busy hitting that dopamine in their pocket every couple of minutes to care about this.

    7. Why eat at McDonalds when there are better chain options? Cava, Chik-Fil-A, and Raising Cains aren’t having these articles written about them. People expect better quality than McDonalds can deliver.

    8. ” How long do people expect this to last”

      People have been saying this about the supposed ‘ house of cards’ since the late 80s when wages began stagnation. Like you said, the governments of the world don’t care if you’re poor. It’ll last forever. There’s no reason it can’t.

    9. People are fed up with these companies. More and more people are coming to the realization that inflation has nothing to do with Joe Biden and everything to do with corporate greed. A breaking point is being reached.

    10. Financial_Form_1312 on

      0% inflation is seen as more dangerous than 2%.
      When there is zero percent inflation, there is pressure on prices to promote spending. Economists do not advocate for a zero percent inflation rate because it leads to deflation, which is equally harmful. Deflation translates to a fall in production hence a decline in wages.

    11. Mental_Platform_5680 on

      McDonald’s causes rapid cancer of the colon so it’s more expensive

    12. kingOofgames on

      At those prices just go to a local restaurant or learn to make that shit yourself. Not too hard, and much cheaper.

      Doesn’t even take a long time to make that crap if you buy some tools online.

    13. itsjustafleshwound79 on

      And McDonalds stock had its best day in 4 years yesterday and is up again today

    14. Minimum_Rice555 on

      I don’t get how it was 40%. Inflation was around 6%. What are the other factors?

    15. The economy is what will make Kamala lose. They have flubbed every opportunity to get some serious traction on the economy. Yea, i know NVDIA….blah blah…lots of money was made by rich banker types. The average American is tired of spending their whole paychecks on gas and groceries

    16. ILikeCutePuppies on

      Wages are not still flat in the US. 4.3% percent in the last 12 months – faster than current inflation (still catching up to 24 month of high inflation). It was about 3.8% in 2023.

    17. I don’t know if it’s the money. A lot of millennials have an overall negative view of the company, including me, and as we take out kids elsewhere we get better quality food while supporting local businesses.

      If American workers got the same treatment as Europeans, I’d probably reconsider

    18. > When inflation targets aren’t “let’s reduce them.. or let’s get inflation to 0”, it’s let’s get it to 2%.

      rest of the post ignored

    19. lauriercsstudent on

      Mcd used to be the place where you get garbage food at a cheap price, now it’s garbage food but also overpriced. Inflation is real so I’d be ok if McDonald’s competitors are also expensive, but the problem is McDonald’s competitors who have just as garbage or less garbage food is now cheaper than them. That’s a big problem for the company

    20. It’s not that much more expensive to go to a sit down restaurant then to go to McDonald’s or Taco Bell anymore. I’d rather go somewhere fancy for a few bucks more and eat better food

    21. BadonkaDonkies on

      I remember watching a clip they left a big Mac untouched for weeks/months… And it looked essentially the same after that. doesn’t do that

    22. Artificial_Lives on

      Ai won’t exist because McDonald’s is too expensive. Truly a regarded analysis my brother.

    23. The issue – not just for McDonald’s, but for all publicly traded companies – is this:

      For a normal person, if times are good, then there’s more spending on luxuries. If times are bad, people suck in and tighten their belts. The financial stance of most people mirrors what the economy’s doing.

      For companies, if times are good, then the shareholders are happy, and the C-suite gets exorbitant bonuses. If times are bad, the shareholders MUST be made happy by any means, so any possible extra cost is passed onto the customer. The C-suite will get exorbitant bonuses anyway – if their plan to pass the costs off works, it’ll be part of their continued salary; if it doesn’t work, it’ll be part of a golden parachute.

      McDonald’s has simply (finally) been made aware of the reality that companies can have bad years too, and the shareholders simply (finally) need to accept that.

    24. No-Researcher406 on

      You guys are fucking rookies – that’s the problem. You download the app then use the coupons. Then every other meal you use the rewards to order a McChicken.

      Here’s where it gets tricky:
      In customization for the McChicken you add an extra patty for $1.50 and that makes it a double patty McChicken sandwich for $1.50. That’s a better deal than McDonalds has had in the last 10 years. You can do it almost every other day if you have the points. That’s the highest calorie to time and money ratio you can get.

      You nu-poors are so bad at being poor it’s making McDonalds suffer.

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