MSFT witness me moment lol

    Posted by rajricardo


    1. Sweaty_crypto_noob09 on

      Didn’t it meet earnings? Like that’s why buying options during Earnings is so funny to me 😭

    2. satireplusplus on

      “$MSFT dropping like a rock after earnings”

      There fixed the title for you.

    3. When you’re priced to beyond perfection anything short of amazing is bearish 😂😂🥲

    4. Yesterday MCD disappointed massively. Stonk up. Microsoft surpasses expectations and tanks. WTF![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    5. TheRealBrokenbrains on

      Weird… I bought 1 – 400p at close. That usually makes the stock go up.

    6. Otherwise-Growth1920 on

      When are people gonna learn it’s NOT about earnings and it’s ALL about forward guidance?

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