Dropped $60K on AMD Calls This Morning


    Posted by CaspeanSea


    1. Damn, great soul read after a tough couple weeks. Hoping it doesn’t gap up much more than it already has so I can hop on in the morning

      Options chain was suuuuuper bearish going into close, this shit could FLY as all the puts start to abandon ship

    2. Odd_Mistake_5437 on

      60k on a 300 strike price? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. Icy_Solid8154 on

      I wait for all the loss porn Post on PUT or CALL then throw in my bet. It is like waiting for the slot machine at Vegas that already took some guys money for 5-6 hours then try my luck, it gotta spit out money at some point

    4. Huge_Philosopher5580 on

      That’s a long time for the US to start a war in the middle east and have China sneak in and take taiwan

    5. DapperGovernment4245 on

      I just went for 149c for Friday but if it holds to open I’m looking at 120% gain so I’ll take it.

    6. Implied vol was high even though these are 2026 leaps, maybe looking at 10k gain if price holds at open

    7. I wish I would have done a few more calls on AMD myself. Oh well, a gain is a gain. Slowly winning back what I lost earlier in the year on options. Lol

      180c exp 8/23 for me.

    8. Longjumping-Week8761 on

      I should’ve screenshotted the guy who laughed when I said calls on Sprouts

    9. wasifaiboply on

      Can’t wait to see what these actually sell for tomorrow morning.

      !remindme 13 hours

    10. Tequila-M0ckingbird on

      Damn i dropped a wad on nvda feeling like a fool now 😂 hope the iv doesn’t crush you

    11. More and more active lately👀 Loving the content! Update the sub if you post some youtube vids!!

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