Alright, you smooth-brained apes, buckle up for some TSLA truth bombs! πŸš€πŸ’£

    Listen up, you crayon-munching, loss-porn-loving degenerates. It's time to pull your heads out of Elon's ass and smell the burnt tendies. TSLA's more manipulated than your wife's boyfriend's Tinder profile.

    Current price: $224.95 (🀑)
    Pre-ER price: $232.12 (🀑🀑)
    YTD low: $144.68 (🀑🀑🀑)

    Let's break it down for even the smoothest of brains:

    1. P/E ratio: 62.58. Higher than Snoop Dogg on 4/20. Ford's at 11, GM's at 5. TSLA's valuation is more inflated than Kim K's ass implants.

    FACT: This absurd P/E ratio suggests unrealistic growth expectations for a company that is NOT EVEN GROWING.

    1. Full Self Delusion (FSD): Elon's been promising this longer than you've been promising to move out of your mom's basement. Still no sign of it.

    FACT: Repeated delays in FSD raise serious doubts about TSLA's technological claims. Plus, if FSD is killing people, there's no fucking chance you're getting your robotaxis.

    1. Elon's Twitter Circus: Our boy's tweeting more than a 13-year-old girl at a BTS concert. But here's the kicker – he OWNS Twitter now.

    FACT: Musk can potentially use Twitter to influence TSLA stock sentiment, triggering bot-driven trades.

    1. Market Manipulation Mania: When TSLA's looking weaker than your gains, Elon starts tweeting TSLA pump faster than you can say "margin call."

    FACT: There's a clear correlation between negative TSLA news and increased positive tweets from Musk. The fact he's tweeting like a cracked out influencer is because he knows fundamentals and future growth expectations are incredibly weak.

    1. Analyst Circle Jerk: Wall Street analysts are playing "Pass the TSLA Pump" faster than we pass STDs at a WSB meetup.

    FACT: Coordinated analyst upgrades often precede significant TSLA price movements. Fuck you Morgan Stanley.

    Now for the numbers that'll make you cry harder than when your wife left you:

    Revenue growth: 2.30% Y/Y. Slower than your brain processing this DD.
    Net income: Down 45.32% Y/Y. Dropping faster than your hopes and dreams.
    EPS: Down 42.86% Y/Y. More fucked than your portfolio after following WSB advice.

    FACT: These numbers indicate severe operational and financial challenges for TSLA.

    The Twitter-TSLA Ponzi Scheme:
    1. Elon tweets some BS about FSD or robotaxis.
    2. Sentiment bots go brrrrr.
    3. Algos buy TSLA stock like it's the last roll of toilet paper in 2020.
    4. TSLA moons, Elon's net worth goes up, rinse and repeat.

    FACT: This cycle of tweets and stock movements suggests a potential feedback loop of market manipulation.

    The REAL price target? $140. And that's being more generous than your wife is to her boyfriend.

    TL;DR: TSLA is more manipulated than the Russian election. Elon's using Twitter like a puppet master on crack. The numbers are uglier than your loss porn. Wake up and smell the burnt lithium, you degenerates.

    Position: 0 shares because I hate money less than you do.

    Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. I snort crayons and my brain has more folds than a flat-earther's tinfoil hat. Do your own DD.

    πŸ”₯πŸ“‰ TSLA: Elon's $140 Shitshow – How Twitter, Robotaxis, and Bullshit P*mp a Dying EV Dream πŸ’©πŸ€‘
    byu/ottawa_exploring inwallstreetbets

    Posted by ottawa_exploring


    1. Acceptable-Month8430 on

      That feeling when your son’s transition is more successful than Tesla’s transition out of a car company.

    2. OK let’s accept your thesis at face value: You have an overinflated company with multiple billionaire backers, some of whom have alot of power in media and marketing who are willing and able to manipulate the stock price. What would be the expected outcome of that?

      This is WSB, it’s not about right or wrong, bottom line here comes down to money and if lines go up or down or sideways; this isn’t about ethics or what a stock should do. Let’s look at TSLA over the past year: They have missed every earnings report, with each earnings being worse than the last. They have no new novel technologies and no forseable avenue of growth. But what happens month after month? Line goes up.

      Elmo has a massive cult of personality behind him. He has countless regards he can tweet at who will continue to throw money at the stock. Ignore what should or shouldn’t happen; in the stock market if regards keep throwing money at a stock: Line goes up.

      I have $1500 in TSLQ because this company’s fundamentals are so bad, it should start dropping; but I have no confidence in that. Elmo has a cult of personality behind him as well as many billionaire friends ready to go to bat for him. Tesla as a company is shit, with shit products and no room for growth sure, but it has a literal cult behind it with countless regards willing to throw their paychecks away because Elmo asks them to. This company doing what it should, and fucking dying, is in no way certain, or even necessarily probable. Elmo might be able to keep this monstrosity alive for as long as his heart keeps beating because he has a literal cult behind him willing to impoverish themselves in the name of Testla’s market cap.

      One final thing I have never seen a DD starting with:

      “Alright, you smooth-brained apes, buckle up”

      That paid off. These DDs always lose money, I know I’ve been burned enough by them. The only thing you’ve convinced me to do is sell my TSLQ shares at market open, cause from where I sit you’ve basically guaranteed TSLA’s line is going to only go up from here.

    3. as a white dude for harris, FUCK ELON MUSK. so much for free speech on his platform. future truth social dumpster fire.

    4. Dull_Broccoli1637 on

      Sorry, too Long. Didn’t read.

      Can watch VR seggs while my Cyber Truck is self driving running over Grandma’s in the crosswalk in a wheelchair.


    5. StatisticianOk328 on

      His threat to take robotic out of $TSLA was when I decided to stop buying and sell off. The Trump tweet was when I sold all remaining shares. I don’t agree with him but there’s lots of shit I don’t agree with him about. This was business.

    6. scission1986 on

      If u don’t value robotaxi and fsd then the share price is worth like 14. Why did u assign it 140?

    7. xxGreyYetixx on

      Elon’s been a douche since he brought down the price of dodgecoin on SNL. Haven’t like him since then

    8. Straight garbo written by chatgpt. Someone is trying hard to get their puts printing.

    9. For real tho, somebody needs to sue Morgan Stanley haha for making so many bag holders

    10. Dear Regard, How do you not understand this already? Little jimmy’s never pay attention when it counts. Only when they have a bone in their pants.

      $320 C 12/20

    11. Everything else aside the robotaxi part is what stands out most because it just doesn’t make sense to me. They can’t get FSD right in their cars. It’s been “coming next year” for about 6 years now, yet robotaxis are something to get excited about?

    12. chastity_BLT on

      Everyone knows it’s gonna tank….no one knows when though. The market can be irrational longer than you can be blah blah blah

    13. > TSLA’s more manipulated than your wife’s boyfriend’s Tinder profile.

      lmao this made me spit out my drink

    14. Wide_Experience_2242 on

      Thank u for reminding me there are other investors out there who haven’t completely lost control of there mental faculties yetπŸ™πŸ½if ye here to defend Tesla like op said go back to eating ye crayons.

    15. History_Interesting on

      Buttholes – just keeping my daily Reddit streak going. Upvote if you like buttholes.

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