Lost 20 in the 1st 5 months of this year save up another 15. Thinking about coming back with 3k to test the waters. Mite just slow roll it with credit spreads. Not sure if I have the discipline to stay away from going long


    Posted by Extension_Crazy_9746


    1. HungryLikeTheVVolf on

      When you’re feeling down, remember what Eddie Vedder said:

      “Ona wheelahn,
      Ona whizzit ona whaya,
      ana calldnana saya,
      nanna whoa wanna saym,
      anna couldouta gnnn.”

    2. LethargicBatOnRoof on

      >1st year

      Look on the bright side. It doesn’t look like there’s going to be a 2nd.

    3. PuzzleheadedWeb9876 on

      This is superb work! Please post your trades in the future so I can do the exact opposite.

    4. MrBananaPanda on

      ive reloaded a few times with that account size and my advice would be to reload 1-5k and see where it goes

    5. Ouch. Saw on the news that gonorrhoea cases have risen nearly 20% yoy in Australia. Calls on STIs. Get you right back in the game.

    6. Have you considered buying shares sir? You don’t seem to be very good at this game.

    7. Itdoesntmatter200 on

      I was going to say, flip your phone that way it can make you feel better. But even flipped you’re still cooked lmao

    8. RealCathieWoods on

      Why the fuck do you people blow your whole load on things?

      On a stack that size why aren’t you making plays with $500 at a time? Fuck. $200?

    9. Suspicious-Refuse144 on

      Not perfect, 0.08% left to blow. Come on Monty…don’t lose at the 11th hour!

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