Microsoft Earnings: Stock Tanks As AI Business Growth Worse Than Expected

    Posted by Similar_Diver9558


    1. Then stop trying to push this shit at everyone.

      There’s very few people who use AI for anything useful in their daily life’s. At this posts it’s doing a lot of ruining the internet. A lot of poorly written articles, a lot of disinformation on a mass scale, and a bunch of boomers who repost badly done ai images on Facebook.

      But hey, I really enjoy making Co Pilot make me stupid songs

    2. Important_Loquat_157 on

      But what about BingChatGPT search v7.4? I thought that was going to save them.

    3. Heliosvector on

      Wait… So amd is a precurser for Nvda. Amd did well, so Nvda should do well. But Nvda is overvalued because of the AI gold rush…. But msft shit the bed because ai isn’t doing well. What nvda do!

    4. Grand_Swan8528 on

      Microsoft’s is copilot correct? It’s trash compared to ChatGPT . For what I’ve used them both for.

    5. Almost gained back all the ah loss atm. I wanted to buy at open but maybe tomorrow will end up a strong green day.

    6. RevolutionaryPhoto24 on

      Looking better and better for Nvidia. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)

    7. ElectrochemicalAorta on

      Hedge funds are going to smoosh your face into their $MSFT buttholes until it’s down to $380-$375. Why? Because they want a better re/entry point. Don’t panic

    8. As someone who works at a tech company who is integrating some cloud AI…. Not sure what these companies thought the market for all this stuff was. At least for our workload it’s really not very expensive.

    9. That article headline is misleading. They missed on Azure Cloud growth by like .1, yet the A.I. portion of cloud grew by a percent and has each of the last 3 quarters. The A.I. portion was positive. It’s also considered positive that they spent $19B on capex, which I’m sure mostly went to Nvidia.

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