1. steppinrazor2009 on

      META Call holders – first off, thank you for your service lol

      Now, wait for the actual call. As long as zuck doesnt go full elon im thinking it will gap up

    2. HungryLikeTheVVolf on

      JPow “what if I told you we might cut rates, is that something you might be interested in?”

    3. Gristle__McThornbody on

      Remember that guy that said he pays millions in Meta ads but was shorting the stock?

    4. EuphoricWizard on

      My auto DCA is set to the 1st every month.  Should have just manually bought yesterday.  Now have to pick up NVDA, SPY way higher

    5. Is zuck an eloquent and charming young man who can pump meta further on the phone call?

    6. Equal_Present_3927 on

      To whoever here who sold Nvidia and bought chip company puts two days ago, thank you

    7. What the actual.. nvda gonna casually hit 120 overnight. AMDs sacrifice will never be forgotten

    8. thr0waway6478 on

      Just yesterday NVDA closed at $102.50.

      And some of yall fr buying now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    9. TimeOnTargetKilo on

      Left alot of money on the table today. But thank god Nvda didn’t open sub 110

    10. cowboyhusker on

      Realized $500 on a SPY 1dte 442c I got yesterday at close. Wish all plays were that obvious. All the earnings picks I made gave me a poundin 😒

    11. SnowballSnozberry on

      We have what appears to be a dynamite stonk. by the time NVDA done running, yall be wearing gold plated diapers

    12. “What’s up with these capex numbers?”

      “We gave all our money to Nvidia.”

    13. Known_Technology_441 on

      When Amazon release good Numbers, Nvidia gets to the fking outa Rim ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

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