“Meta’s $39.1 billion of Q2 revenue beat average analyst forecasts of $38.3 billion in sales, while its $5.16 billion earnings per share ($13.5 billion net income) smashed estimates of a $4.72 profit per share ($12.3 billion), according to FactSet.”



    Posted by tripleheavn


    1. I guess the guy who did a post a few days ago telling us he’s shorting Meta’s earnings because his Facebook ads don’t show the same effectiveness anymore was wrong.

    2. Mean_Office_6966 on

      Meta’s results point to continued share gains in the digital ad market, the company’s core business. Advertising revenue, which comes largely from the Facebook and Instagram apps, rose 22% from a year earlier. Last week, top rival Alphabet
      reported an 11% increase in Google ad sales, with YouTube missing estimates.

      I thought nobody is using Facebook?

    3. TrumpsCheetoJizz on

      I knew I should’ve invested the 31 cents I have in my robinhood account. Damn.

    4. Anyone betting against ad campaigns in a disputed election year deserves to get wrecked lol. Meta makes all their money in ads… 

    5. As someone who has worked in performance marketing for over a decade, I’ve been allocating more media dollars to Meta this year than to Google. Are things as good as they used to be? No, but we still need to drive ROAS somehow.

    6. Poor ad spend guy… If ads cost more then meta is making more money. Just because you broke doesn’t mean Temu and the politicians are.

    7. This company is a fucking scam. Full of ai and boomers on FB, “influencers” and kids on IG. It’s one massive circlejerk of stupidity and dumbing the world down. Meanwhile retahded companies think it’s a platform to put ad money in and cuckerberg buys Hawaii.

      This planet is fucked

    8. “$5.16 billion earnings per share”
      Wow. 5 billion earnings PER share.
      Valuable company!

    9. Options are kill, atm calls only gonna see 50% upside and otm calls either dead or mild upside assuming this opens at 510

    10. Is it primarily facebook ads that generate this much revenue? What’s the money maker in the company umbrella?

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