I made almost 4k then lost it all, then recovered to the same amount, then lost it again. It’s completely my fault I was full porting and I genuinely don’t know why. Going to take it slow and keep working and never do this again it’s taken such a huge toll on me. Im only 18 ruining my life with this stupid shit. from 11k to $81. Going to stay humble and keep grinding this shit sucks. Made horrible decisions twice.


    Posted by JellyfishHot2348


    1. AdamantheusEnigma on

      Buy index funds next time, hold for long term. Don’t try to get rich quick, get rich slow. It guaranteed to be better for you.

    2. Accomplished_Dot9815 on

      No stop loss whatsoever ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. Stop full porting maybe. Don’t trade one ticker either. Some tickers have obvious trends you can capitalize on.

    4. Motor_Anxiety_7936 on

      All I’ll say is at 18, you have roads of mistakes ahead of you, this isn’t the first or the last time you’ll feel dumb. Dont worry man, it’ll work out. 11k is a setback, but you make more in a year with minimum wage. Make sure your necessities are covered concretely (aka don’t gamble your rent or groceries) and the rest is up to you.

    5. MammothBites on

      Obviously sucks to go through that but it’s better to learn that lesson at 18 compared to when you’re older with much more money to lose

    6. YOLOing_2Success on

      Learn to cut losses next time. Remember you can always find another trade opportunity but the key here is to stay in the game. Everyone has days where they take on a losing trade but how you manage that loss is what separates a small L from a major blowup. Hope that helps for next time you trade

    7. Sorry man that absolutely blows, I went through something similar when I was 19 (thankfully with only a few thousand). Just remember this when you come back, I have no doubt you’ll make plenty of money investing in the future!

    8. PopuleuxMusicYT on

      just next time you have a lot of money invest in index funds. now i’m not saying SPY option trading is bad but a very small amount of money that you’re okay with loosing it all should be used for it. and please learn how to actually day trade and don’t full port, always use stop losses.

      let’s say you have 18k gamble spy with 1k and before learn price action & technical analysis before you go in 0dte. also learn to only put small amounts per trade and as mentioned above stop losses.

      like others mentioned you’re only 18 so future jobs and investments will make up for it. Use it as a risk management lesson for now, an expensive one.

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