So, here’s the situation. I’ve been dating my girlfriend, who I’ll call Ema (an alias for privacy reasons), for about a year and a half. She's 24, fresh out of college with a degree in communications that hasn’t exactly opened the doors she hoped for, so she’s been working at Starbucks for the past three years. Meanwhile, I’ve been making a solid side income from stock trading, specifically with Meta. It's my favorite stock because of its crazy volatility, and I’ve been pulling in over $60,000 each quarter trading it. It’s honestly been an easy trade the past 2 years.

    With that money, I’ve been able to pay off my debts, help my mom financially, and take Ema on some pretty nice vacations. I’m close to hitting a huge milestone: paying off my parents’ mortgage. Just another quarter or two, and I’ll be there.

    I often joke that Ema is like my personal EMA—my Exponential Moving Average for life. Whenever things go smoothly with her, I feel like I’m on the right path, just like when I see that nice, upward trend in my trading charts. She knows all about my trading and has heard me go on about Meta’s market swings, probably more than she ever wanted to hear.

    So, you can imagine my shock when she casually tells me over dinner (fucking last night during earnings of all times) that she’s in the final interview stage for a customer service job at Meta. She’s thrilled, thinking this is her big break after years of grinding it out at Starbucks.

    Here’s the kicker: the job only pays $45,000 a year. I make more than that in less than a quarter trading Meta. And now, if she gets the job, I can’t trade Meta anymore because of insider trading rules. Even though she’d be starting at a low-level position, there's a risk of her having access to non-public information. That means I’d have to give up trading my most profitable stock, which is a critical part of my financial strategy and my plan to pay off my parents’ mortgage.

    Now, I’m stuck trying to figure out what to do. On the one hand, I care about Ema (she has a great ass), but on the other hand, I can’t ignore the financial blow I’m about to take because of her decision.

    I’m seriously considering whether it’s worth continuing this relationship. Am I being too harsh if I think about breaking up with her over this? I can’t help but feel that she’s making a choice that benefits her without considering what it means for us.

    What would you do if you were in my shoes? The market or love?

    Really being cucked by the zuck here.

    Note: If you are a recruiter hiring a young blonde girl within the next week, please deny her. I beg you.

    Should I dump my girlfriend? $META
    byu/EZ_PZ_LM_SQ_ZE inwallstreetbets

    Posted by EZ_PZ_LM_SQ_ZE


    1. Serious answer: other plays exist and if she’s a really solid person who one day you might want to be with for life, those opportunities are far far rarer than a consistent stock play

      WSB answer: disregard women acquire currency

    2. Doesn’t really make any sense how a entry level 45k position would stop her boyfriend from trading- your not married correct?

      Meta won’t be a honeypot forever. If you already had thoughts of ending it end it, if she’s a ride or die I’d find another stock

    3. Warm_Mobile_6811 on

      As meta employee -edit: holding stocks of meta- she has trading windows. You can follow the same rules & windows.

    4. Personally, I would stay with her and continue to trade META.

      If you don’t trade off insider info it’s fine right?

    5. Ok_Engineering_3212 on

      Pay her 45000 not to work there! Problem solved!

      Or just go full wallstreet and switch to an hourly rate for a new gf, or several

    6. CoolEconomist575 on

      Not Insider Trading: If you’re just buying or selling shares of her company without any special knowledge, you’re in the clear. No secret decoder rings required.
      Insider Trading Alert: However, if she spills the beans about some confidential company news—like, “Hey, they’re about to launch a revolutionary product!”—and you act on that info, you’re venturing into forbidden territory.

    7. She’s not your wife. She can be your girlfriend, she just can’t be your girlfriend publicly. On paper you are not related in any way.

    8. Motor_Anxiety_7936 on

      Imagine giving up someone who cares about you over the inability to trade other stocks

    9. hasanaltanuen on

      If you truly love her, stick with her and be a supportive boyfriend. If that is NOT the case stop wasting her time and energy. Be a human being for god’s sake.

    10. NotInNewYorkBlues on

      Seems very superficial to emphasise the ass of your girlfriend as an asset to evaluate whether you should dump her.
      That said if she is nothing more to you it’s probabky better you focus on Meta.

    11. Ancient-Chinglish on

      damn bro, if the $META campus coffee shop COGS influence the ticker price that much, get that insider supplier info

    12. Diligent-Painting-37 on

      “Ema” with one “m” … She’s not actually a large, flightless bird, is she?

    13. TheDeHymenizer on

      >And now, if she gets the job, I can’t trade Meta anymore because of insider trading rules. 

      the on the off off off chance this entire post isn’t just fiction this is not true. Your not married, she’s not getting a job that will give her materially important information to META’s business.

    14. Trolling post, SEC never care if your galfren work at the company that u trade stock, except she’s your spouse.

    15. hammerscribe98 on

      -are you married? no insider trading unless you are
      -you assume you can only make money off one ticker. maybe you should diversify -regardless of whatever happens in the relationship?
      -money over love every time
      -do what u want

    16. For her to be subject to insider trading rules while at Meta she’d be making more than enough to support both of you.

      Trade Meta and trade her ass away, at least until she can keep you.

    17. That_anonymous_guy18 on

      Bro pelosi’s husband trades the fuck out of these stocks and you are worried about your lil gf insider trading lol . Oh u sweet little idiot

    18. IsMyBostonADogOrAPig on

      If you are actually as good at trading as you say you are, you could find another stock. Though you will probably be poor soon. You sound like a douche

    19. PolarBearLaFlare on

      lol I worked at Meta…if she’s in customer service than she’s a contract worker hired through a third party company, not an actual full time employee through meta. No one will fucking care

    20. Acrobatic_Break on

      Girlfriends arent family bro.. but im annoyed im replying cuz this is the dumbest bullshit ive ever seen.

    21. The fact that you ask this question here shows there’s something wrong. If you love her let her get a chance at a career, money is secondary especially given you seem to be doing fine.

      Also take a closer look at the actual insider trading rules/limitations once she’s in… you may overthink this.

    22. ireallycouldcareless on

      You ever sit there and listen to yourself speak? Read this post back and really think about what you’re saying. Sound like one of the biggest douchebags I don’t know.

    23. angel_inmyuniverse on

      From a woman : if you’re debating if she’s worth more than your meta trades, she’s not the right one. You need to be with a person you cannot live without ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

    24. WendysSupportStaff on

      Whats funny about this is that she’s going to meet some chad making more money than you at META and she’ll dump you while you are worrying about “Insider Trading” which this isn’t and wouldn’t be anyway.

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