Headline initial and continuing jobless claims in the US rose in the data for last week, but we have also started to see a pervasive rise across several states at once. When claims rise in such a way, it can be a precursor to a recession.


    Posted by MarcusWallstreetGuy


    1. No article or context to go with this graph? Did they rise this morning? It’s pretty low last week

    2. Oh Jesus, I thought that we were done with the whole recession thing. It didnt happen, the JPOW pump fixed everything . JPOW 2024-2050

    3. False positive? If a false positive is positive, what’s to say this isn’t also a false positive?

    4. The_Juice_Gourd on

      Looks like another false positive to me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    5. Novel-Emotion-5208 on

      A.I is the answer you’re looking for, buy calls. This is not the 70s.

    6. It was always bad, they just masked it all this time to prop up the market for the senile diaper shitter.

    7. Potato_Octopi on

      That threshold doesn’t look very meaningful. When there’s a recession it gets blown through and I’m seeing two false positives.

    8. ihaveathingforyou on

      Just scrolled through OP’s history to see if he was a bear….

      Turns out he’s hung like one

    9. Kitten_Team_Six on

      Funny WSB membership has increased in the same time period

      Just a coincidence i guess

    10. Dull_Broccoli1637 on

      Jobless claims worsening and combined with lower hiring rates.

      ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)

    11. LOL….yaaa, that was the whole purpose of rate hikes….to slow the economy.

    12. Hell yeah it’s rate cutting time boys. Put in your two weeks notice at Wendy’s. Lambo eminent

    13. Think_Fortune on

      That is the intent of raising interest rates: to create downward wage pressure by increasing labor supply. So long as unemployment stays below the Fed’s 4% target. They’re basically there so we should be seeing interest rate cuts soon. Working man gets screwed by the corporatocracy, news at 11.

    14. VariationConstant675 on

      Bullish…..rates coming down…take loans at a cheap rate, invest, pay back …rinse and repeat….who needs a job!!emote:t5_2th52:4271![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    15. and today the WSJ is saying if the fed cuts rates they are helping harris. what a holes

    16. Do people who work multiple jobs count for multiple people working ? My girlfriend works for Onlyfans as an “admin” but she has another gig “uber” clients ? Does she count as 2 people ? Or am I being lied to?

    17. wrsergeant000 on

      John Deere just cut many jobs across the country. They’re responsible for part of this rise.

    18. What-tha-fck_Elon on

      These guys will scream Recession!! year after year until it inevitably happens and then say “look! I told you!!”

    19. ScooBySnaCk-SDRL on

      With the economy the way it is, it is to be expected. We’ve been fed bullshit about how everything is great and it is not.

    20. alwayslookingout on

      This is easily resolved.

      They just need to change the definition of a ‘recession’ again.

    21. I unfortunately lost my job due to big lots going near bankrupt and closing down 150 stores. I unfortunately can’t find work anywhere as a lot of Venezuelans here took a lot of the jobs. You used to be able to find a job same day just by calling around but now that doesn’t seem to be the case.

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