
    Posted by loganp12


    1. Senior-Vanilla-6756 on

      His parents went from being proud of him to claiming him on their 2025 tax return as a dependent to write off his 200k loss 🤣🤣

    2. NegotiationFuzzy4665 on

      I’ll get it back, just let me put it in uhh… $ARM, yeah I’ll just buy the dip

    3. jolankapohanka on

      I don’t wanna spend my inheritance on something stupid so I invested it and yoloed one random stock I saw on Reddit for no reason lol.

    4. Putrid_Web_8080 on

      Doesn’t even have the brain to average in or sell cash secured put, +18% loss in span of 6 hours

    5. FluPhlegmGreen on

      Imagine Grandma working for a decade to save what this idiot lost of hers in a day.. SHAME… SHAME… SHAME…

    6. Metacog_Drivel on

      This kid decided to buy at open on one of the bloodiest fucking days and on EARNINGS day to boot. What an amateur.

    7. Damn you guys slow down on him. It’s definitely not going to 0 so there’s that

    8. Left_Experience_9857 on

      Should’ve just went to the casino

      Would’ve still lost around the same but he would’ve probably gotten some free food and a hotel room at least.

    9. OppositeArugula3527 on

      This company squandered so much competitive edge it isn’t even funny. The sheer complacency and incompetence. Reminds me of Sony.

    10. The pain might be just starting. So many funds that own INTC have to sell it now, since the dividend is being suspended, since it conflicts with their investing rules. But perhaps already priced in.

    11. Any_Barber8215 on

      This is sad. She probably saved for 40 years to bless him with that and he has probably lost 250k in days.

    12. Nana worked her WHOLE life to give him a head start, and he fucked it up right out the front gate. Feelsbadman ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

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