Intel literally sucks ass. EPS of only $0.02 and suspending dividend not to mention job cuts. How far the mighty have fallen.

    So Intel did it again
    byu/WedWealthist inwallstreetbets

    Posted by WedWealthist


    1. larrylegend1990 on

      In the 90s and 00s, everyone loved intel. Seems like they dominated the market. How things have changed.

    2. Find me that dude with his $800k inheritance ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    3. ImaginarySector366 on

      I never saw this coming at all. Like yes $30 was understandable, maybe “hold” around 30 for a while.

      But $24 and dividend suspension, and cut jobs, and missing earnings, and and and.

      Dude this is crazy. How the mighty have fallen indeed.

    4. Past-Inside4775 on

      Pat just emailed and said they’re cutting 15k jobs.

      This is going to be an interesting shift.

      Oh. I misread that. 15% and 18k jobs. Fuck me.

    5. First it was a CWRD post that tanked the stock and now we have the kid with the $700k inheritance that tanked Intel

    6. When your company is in deep trouble and way behind in the competition , YOU DONT TAKE HOME $179 MILLION as ceo salary . Anyone who buys this stock didn’t read between the lines

    7. Robotronic777 on

      How fucked am I…. -25k and continues. This trash will sink me completely. 10$ is incoming…

    8. I’m sure everyone here has lost $ on $INTC at least one time in their life.. that company cannot execute.. you can shutdown all of the chip makers in the world and hand them a monopoly on chips and they would manage to fuck it up, one way or another.

    9. This was it. Never again. Tomorrow morning I’m selling my near worthless calls, and deleting Intel from all of my watch lists. Fuck INTC.

    10. AudienceDue6445 on

      Imagine working your whole life to leave your grandchildren off better than yourself. Then your regarded grandson goes full port into intel

    11. Imagine being in literally the best performing sector of all stocks, semiconductors. The semiconductor ETF is up 308% in the last 5 years (SMH). Then we take a look at Intel. 40% down over the last 5 years.

      Underperformance of 348%, sector overperformed INTC by 6.8x.

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