Intel to lay off more than 15% of its workforce, roughly 20,000 people.

    Posted by RegardedDipshit


    1. RIP to the guy who bought 700k of Intel with his grandmas inheritance ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    2. Told ya’ll to stay away from this dumpsterfire of a stock.

      This isn’t the end of it either. They spent the last 16 months lying to customers about Raptor Lake degradation issues and sowing ill will amongst their professional customers by charging additional support fees for chip issues that were their own damn fault lol

    3. Intel should be forced to break up and sold in pieces to more competent U.S. semiconductor companies. This is a matter of National Security now, they continue to fuck up and the U.S. will have no option but to suck China’s dicks after they take over TSMC.

    4. GotBannedAgain_2 on

      I hate these fucking layoffs. My company’s getting ready for another round of axing folks. With the job market as is now…FUCK!

    5. Why do posts like the 700k guy happen before these events?

      Last timing was the guy saying crowdstrike is not worth $$ and boom worldwide outage and the stock fell.

      Something weird going on here ..

    6. HungryLikeTheVVolf on

      Bullish ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)

    7. We’re having catastrophic quality issues, chips literally self-destructing – what should we do??

      **lays off 20% of workforce**

    8. Not surprising, given they have thousands of chips out there that’ll die at any moment. I remember as a former PC gamer how Intel was king for so long. Sad.

    9. Massive_Complaint_89 on

      15% chance my dad got fired, maybe I should preemptively send him the Wendy’s application

    10. FirstStoptheBleed on

      Their coming 15th generation of processors are DOA to many people thanks to how they’ve delt with critical, unsolvable problems with their entire 13th and 14th generation of processors.

      The future is Apple, AMD and Qualcomm.

    11. Yea I’m staying away from the stock. When we were renewing our datacenter last year our vendor told us they haven’t really been able to sell systems with Intel CPUs for many months. And that was just when people were comparing specs with AMD. I really don’t like how they are responding to all the problems right now.

    12. Putrid_Web_8080 on

      mean while the CEO still get his $16 milli payday while cannibalizing the company

    13. Wtf. Wasn’t the CHIPs act specifically to give them money to increase US semiconductor manufacturing jobs?

    14. AtomicSymphonic_2nd on

      I’m legitimately starting to wonder if Intel is truly unable to recover from this… last time a situation like this happened was during the 2000’s.

      But at that time, they had competent C-level execs with engineering backgrounds making decisions.

      Today, I’m now questioning Gelsinger’s ability to pull off another such recovery… I didn’t realize the damage left behind by Bob Swan was this severe.

    15. THANK GOD I didn’t invest 700k worth of inheritance into Intel. That’d be beyond stupid.

    16. HIVnotAdeathSentence on

      How long until we hear about the progress of the $20 billion chip plants that Intel was planning to build in Arizona and Ohio?

      I remember many believing the CHIPS Act was good because it was a jobs creator and for national security, ignoring billion dollar corporations are receiving billions in handouts.

    17. This is bullish for AMD, right?



    18. Biden’s passes CHIPs and Science act.

      Intel CEO, “quick everyone start eating your own shit until your kidneys fail”

    19. This is nuts.

      r/technology said 10k people 8 hours ago

      r/ohio (we are getting an intel plant) said 15k people 5 hours ago

      Now WSB is saying 20k people 4 hours ago.

      I expect Intel will have laid off 100% of its staff before close of business tomorrow.

    20. Step one: take tax payers money

      Step two: fire employees and cut divi

      Step three: profit and pay yourself 😎

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