I’ve been taking a look at how RSI plays into movements and it worked out really well today. Bought in at close to 70 RSI and exited near the end of the day for most of the gains.


    Posted by Bot_watch_Watchbot


    1. And you could stop here and have a great experience, but you won’t. You’re now addicted. You’re going to keep rolling the dice until eventually you lose it all.

    2. Fun_Reporter9086 on

      I promise you, you haven’t cracked the code with RSI…why don’t you keep doing this and report back by the end of the year? You should be a billionaire by then, easily.

    3. coloredzebra on

      Lmao I went the opposite way. Started with $225 Friday -> $900 on TSLA calls, lost it all on IWM calls before FOMC.

      Just an educational expense as a reminder to not trade until after FOMC

    4. TrumpsCheetoJizz on

      Full port it next week and I’ll put my whole paycheck from tomorrow.

      If you lose and steer me wrong I’ll sue. But if you make me money, I’ll give you $0.05

    5. toxic_masculinity27 on

      I’m opposite of OP. I had $5000 at the beginning of the week now I have $100

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