Not gonna lie I bought calls on Tuesday and bought puts on Wednesday, diamond held the 30 puts overnight when it was down 90% and bought 10 more when QQQ was at highest this morning.

    Posted by Masonry1-


    1. Cold-Bandicoot-2474 on

      Is there a way to do this in the morning after earnings? Or is everything already over overnight?

    2. That was a beauty of a move to catch today. I kept waiting for a pullback to enter, but it just kept on keeping on. Congrats.

    3. breakthebookie on

      I did the pro short qqq ultra.

      What’s the difference in puts on qqq or calls on pro short qqq . Just the leverage?

    4. I was sitting on a 468p from yesterday with a 50% loss this morning netted a profit but I regret not holding it longer only took a 50% gain instead of 300% but hey gains are gains

    5. Good for you dude. I kept buying and selling, though the day. I think tomorrow is another drop

    6. Gatta love the 800%+ gains on ETF options

      I got over 800% on BA puts but I lost more in AMD calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    7. BulletPlease on

      What if you woulda full ported today at HOD and not gone full regard yesterday?
      What’s the payout on that?
      Hindsight is 20/20 lol

    8. Equivalent_Aioli_125 on

      will rebound today and next days, you will take your losses just to see it go down again after you cleared your position

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