$488 To $48,566 = 99 bagger

    DD: If NVDA can sink off of a good AMD beat, I couldn't wait to find out what they would think of Intel's numbers. I had no idea they would also cancel their dividend though. Once in a lifetime luck.


    Posted by foxasintheanimal


    1. foxasintheanimal on

      Also I had 160 puts at the 24 strike
      And 1 put at the $24.50 strike.
      I couldn’t get the fill I wanted on the $24.50 strike.
      Side note, at one point yesterday, the $24.5 puts strikes were only $3.

    2. I grabbed a 23p few days ago for a whopping premium of 0.01. Sold for a 21k% gain today. Gotta love those scratchers

    3. Honestly you should just withdraw 45k, put 20k away for the tax man, and fuck around with the 3k leftover

    4. enormousgirth_ on

      Fuck man I dropped $700 into regarded intel calls. If I did puts I’d be golden. So close.

    5. Ancient-Chinglish on

      that one dude had 94 september ATM puts and was worried about IV crush 🫠
      i wish i were in his shoes today

    6. When a company fired 13,000 people they are coming for the CEO & Board of Directors.

      Expect it to drop further.

    7. AdPurple4902 on

      Were you expecting this big of a result? Or just a random gamble for a cheap price

    8. Life_Walrus_4263 on

      thats a new tesla and 2 karibik trips with a woman of your choice. you made it

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