I've been in the stock market for a few years now, made some modest profits and some embarassing losses like a proper regard.

    I don't do options or day trading anymore because I've learned the hard(and only) way that im too stupid and not lucky enough to handle that. So when I got lucky I was stupid enough to ruin it.

    Now I just do long-term stocks, heavily invested in the tech market with some medical, crypto, oil, and private equity stocks on the side, and I've weathered multiple storms the last few years and always recovered.

    Its clear now that the last weeks we've been going through a hard bear run and I've been eating ass like I'm used to but, and this is my unreasearched fully biased opinion, i have a feeling that this one is different. It feels like the tides are turning and I wanna know if anyone shares the same sentiment, on that we might be enetering bear season. Please discuss as I like money and would like to keep mine.

    I've been enduring a lot of losses the last 2 weeks and I feel like I'm breaking down, but I know at least my grandma still loves me.

    Edit: Since this is picking up traction, i almost went through all of the comments and the consensus i would say is: 65% suck it up and hold you lil bitch. 30% is yep we're all doomed the end is not near its already happening. And the other 5% is like maybe yes maybe no who knows.

    Since I posted this like 30 minutes before the US economic data went live and everything went to shit, I am proudly soldiering through the losses riding the high of I told you so with a tear in my eye. The uninformed decision I am making is to look away and hold only with the fact that literally EVERYTHING is going down today, which is usually a sign that its a correction and not one market is being affected, just the whole world.

    Big dropoff coming?
    byu/Affectionate-Yam-113 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Affectionate-Yam-113


    1. luzzi5luvmywatches on

      I do feel it’s different. But I’m not smart enough to know what to do. I’m just here to read the comments

    2. fenriswulfwsb on

      Based on what I’m hearing in the business world, the recession is already here. Multiple suppliers have told me they are in the process of or preparing for layoffs.

    3. silentaugust on

      Entering bear season until September when JPOW announces rate cuts, lol. At least that’s the play I’m on

    4. We had this talk last September 2023.

      The fucking market pumped.

      Not trying to time the market anymore.

    5. WigglyCoop007 on

      Just dollar cost average into the dips. assume a 1 year recession and whatever cash u have dip it in a little bit at a time. u legit can’t lose… Will you make retirement money? Prob not but that’s what options are for anyway. This is what I “sHoUlD” do but booooo. Bet Grandma’s Life Savings on INTC! what could go wrong?!?

    6. The fed missed their opportunity to act, INTC was the first shoe to drop and the jobs report is the second. Based on GDP numbers we aren’t in a recession yet but we are going to flirt with it through this month until the fed cuts rates in Sept (my bet is .5 or maybe even bigger) and NVDA hopefully kills earnings which may be enough to steady the market though the end of the year. If NVDA misses, going to be a tough few months…

    7. Responsible_Bass6369 on

      Dont get in bear traps. Stonks always,go up. You will see fking green days next week

    8. iswearimnotabotbro on

      The market pulled back a few percentage points from all time high!!! We’re all doomed!!

    9. Savings_Opposite3769 on

      I laughed out loud at the last sentence. Fuck me that’s good.

      OP if you are balanced in your portfolio in good stock. Close the app and open it after the election. This is noise right now.

    10. “Hard bear run” = lowest the S&P has been since… seven weeks ago when this was the all time high.   

    11. IranianLawyer on

      If you’re investing long-term, then you shouldn’t care. If we do go into “bear season” and stocks crash for a while, it’s just an opportunity to buy more for cheap. Stop trying to time the market. It’s a fool’s errand.

    12. I commented this on the sahm rule post. Almost every market cycle, the fed raises interest rates, recession indicators present themselves, we’re in a recession, and *then* they lower rates. The market has a near 100 percent expectation that rates will come down in September. New recession indicators are rearing their ugly head. Experts are *still* saying, “Trust me bro, this time it’s different.”

      The bears don’t have to be right for you and your portfolio to get fucked. Warren Buffet didn’t go into a cash position because he *knew* the market was going to go down. It’s the uncertainty. We *are* in uncharted territory. Why would I shoulder the risk of predicting the direction of an unprecedented market?

      Put another way, if you had 10,000 dollars and you wanted to invest it in a small business in your community, would you give your money to a business that wasn’t sure it was going to be open in six months?

      If you’re truly a fundamental, traditional value-investor, the answer to your problem isn’t *sell it all right now*. The answer is to hedge. What are some recession outperformers? how can you capitalize on volatility? What kind of interest can you get on uninvested cash? What sectors are you heavily into, and how can you spread your risk?

    13. Capable_Wait09 on

      Everyone acting surprised that there’s an early stage bear market during high interest rates.

      It looks like big tech was propping up the market for 2 years.

      Macro indicators are finally overwhelming. It’s a double edged sword. It means the rate hikes worked. Inflation is down a lot and will probably come down more. We aren’t in a recession yet which is awesome, as normally big rate hikes cause a recession. (“But the market is down 3% back to May levels!1!1!!!” Yeah this isn’t a recession. UE is still really freaking low. GDP grew at 2.8% last quarter. You want a rate-fueled recession check out the late 1970s early 1980s.)

      BUT the landing may not be Sully on the Hudson. It may be more Denzel in Flight. I’m still impressed with Powell that we’ve gone this long without macro indicators turning against us. It was bound to happen sooner or later. But there’s still time to land this bird without casualties. Today an engine sputtered. Luckily we’re on an Airbus so we have 3 more.

      Powell was holding out in rate cuts until the very last minute. Really waiting for the game clock to wind down before launching a corner 3 to take the last shot of the game. And it’s a high percentage shot for a good spot shooter. So we dunno if it’s going in or not, but it might. We just know he took it down to the last second and now we wait and see how resilient the economy is. Maybe he waited too long. Maybe you want time to rebound and or foul if you miss. High risk either way.

      Let’s just not forget the fundamentals: that rate cuts are a GOOD thing in and of themselves. Rates are not supposed to be this high. They are high to bring down inflation. They come down when inflation comes down. High rates tend to cause recessions. We haven’t had one yet. So rate reduction doesn’t mean there will be a recession. It’s what you do when inflation comes down and you want to get in and get out before a recession begins.

    14. Market pullbacks are normal and healthy, occur more often than we realize, likely another blip in the long term upwards trend

    15. The best thing you can possibly do right now is to buy the dip in a broad market index fund like VOO and forget about it. It’s the safest and best decision to make in market volatility like this where individual stocks are tanking 15-30% in a day. Come back in a year stress free and I think you’ll be very happy.

    16. citizen-model on

      That’s okay numbnuts, you thought this shit last August, and boy were you fucking wrong

    17. NotDarkLight93 on

      This post is direct inverse of Jim Cramer. Definitely going to be following you for financial advice going forward 😀

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