My plan going into this was to hold for a decade and my plan hasn't changed. It's going to be rough and I realize that. The past two days have been the scariest days of my life. My parents still don't know I've lost 1/3 of my inheritance. Every time I talk to them they can see how stressed I look and they keep asking me what's wrong and I don't know what to say. How can I possibly explain this to them? My only option is to hold for a decade. So that's what I'm going to do. I know people are going to shit on me, and you should. I recognize I made an unnecessarily regarded decision. I have received a lot of DMs and reddit notifications offering me mental help and Suicide hotline numbers. I appreciate your concern but I'm fine. I'm holding long term. I'm sorry if my decision made you upset and reflect on your financial situation, that was not my intention. I appreciate all of your support and constructive criticism. Some of you have been really mean but its ok, I know I deserve it. But im holding. Forever. Intel will succeed.

    Ok, I definitely picked the wrong day to buy (intel 700k yolo update)
    byu/Sad_Nefariousness10 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Sad_Nefariousness10


    1. KlippardHotFridge on

      Hey at least he recognizes half of our criticism, he’ll recognize the other half when it’s drained out his bank account in a few days though

    2. AlmostAsianJim on

      Sir, you are the physical embodiment of wsb. You carry tremendous weight on your shoulders, and at such a young age too. Grams would be proud.

    3. Mission-Tank-9018 on

      I’d suggest you panic sell it all now and then buy again when price rebounds. Grandma will be proud.

    4. polygamizing on

      My guy ~ leave this fucking stock, goddamn.

      “My only option…”

      Jesus Christ. You’re gonna regret this.

    5. SchagTheHodler on

      “Intel will succeed“ he didn’t hear no Bell.![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    6. Commercial_Visual678 on

      F me this hurts to read… How long do you think it’ll take to recover vs pulling out and sticking it into an s&p500 index tracker?

      The fact that you could have taken your inheritance, bought a Ferrari then invested the rest and be in the same position (or likely better, the Ferrari will have some residual value) is insane

    7. Imagine taking the braindead ape “HODL” mentality and choosing Intel as your hill to die on.

    8. clydefrog811 on

      You could have fucked so many hookers and done so much coke for 200k. Instead you went full regard.

    9. You chose the exact moment in time, with pinpoint accuracy, to receive a spectacular ass pounding. I can only call that skill

    10. You unintentionally created some of the funniest shit on this sub. Your sacrifice will be remembered.

    11. “My only option is to hold for a decade” please god sell this shit now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)

    12. Do what all the married men in here do with their wives, don’t talk about investments unless you crushed it and have already secured a bag.

      You absolutely can recover from this. You have no debt. Focus on school. I would consider a bit of diversification within the industry.

    13. UsedState7381 on

      Your grandma must be proud of you.


    14. Flat-Highlight6516 on

      You are falling for the sunk-cost fallacy. Just take your loss and move on to an ETF. 500k is still a lot of money!

    15. OP, your parents already seen the trending viral posts on this sub, and they already know.

    16. Kreigmeister on

      I’m gonna tell my grandkids I witnessed the “Grandmas inheritance vanishing act” in real time.

    17. GenericUser4104 on

      You stupid bitch. You still have a life changing amount of money left and you still won’t admit that you’re just fucking wrong. I don’t know why I keep commenting on your posts to try to help you.

      Sell the fucking shares and buy something diversified if you want to hold for a decade. Buy VOO. Tell your parents you’ve socked it away. When you graduate start saving the way your grandmother did and deposit $200k. That’s your penance to grandma.

      Stop fucking around. It’s not too late. You’re not a genius stock picker. Fucking stop.

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