Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway sold nearly half its stake in Apple. This is getting ugly day by day, we going to recession 😭
    byu/IndependentDebate929 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by IndependentDebate929


    1. It’s still their biggest holding. People act like Apple is going bankrupt. No it is not, but it’s at a size where returns will start to slow and not continue to 3x every 5 years.

    2. standontwofeet on

      He has 276B to play with now in a potential recession with incredible buying opportunity, to set up more generational wealth for shareholders he’s been so loyal to for so long. This is classic Warren Buffett and very bullish for Berkshire holders. I’m confident he’ll the 276B into savvy deals before passing on investment and acquisition decision making to people less talented than him. It’s very in line with his character to be thinking about his legacy and returns beyond his time.

      Berkshire is still under valued IMO.

      Apple is fine but the upside opportunity in it isn’t the same as the upside opportunity you’ll see as this market continues to slide.

    3. wickedsoloist on

      Apple is a successful company. Their products are great. Their technology is great and performs very well. But i expect noticable decrease in their iphone and ipad sales in next years. Macs still have space to go but not much left. I see no reason why a person have an iPhone 15 pro max and upgrade it to 16 or even 18 19. I doubt ai features will accelerate them. 

      And thinking of how much US is fucked up and world tension, it might be wise to buy put options. I’m thinking of buying put options for apple and microsoft in december.

    4. Warren Buffet sells half of anything he is holding and pays those taxes on it, you better sit the fuck up and start paying attention.

      He sells half his stake or nearly $90 billion in one of the Mag7 in a single fucking year?!

      Yeah. We’re fucked guys. It was real.

    5. supportedbyai on

      This is not how recession works. Recession is a slow down of the economy for a certain period of time. Selling shares of a company doesn’t mean it is a sign of recession.

    6. Will be interesting to see how he justifies this in his letter given his usual “‘Murica” stance

    7. Foreskinbegone on

      We are in a recession, not going. It’s already begun-hopefully won’t last more than a couple years this time.

    8. CryptosianTraveler on

      It’s Apple. Post Jobs Apple. Their lifespan is limited if they keep putting out product like the Iphone 15. They’ve been so stagnant in their development for so many years it’s only a matter of time before they’re one-upped by a competitor. That’s something their current team is NOT poised well to recover from.

      The point is don’t mistake failing management at a company for an economic bell-weather. See IBM post Lou Gerstner.

    9. he could’ve sold to buy the market dip, i’d look into what acquisitions he makes now to know what the dip bottom is

    10. Where are the “don’t time the market” and “apple is a good buy at any price” crowds ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    11. It would be surprising to see a market crash before the elections, but I do expect the sp500 to go -30% and Nasdaq -50% in the next year.

    12. He sees the damage in Japan. He recently got very interested in Japan companies. His war chest could be getting ready to give bailout stakes when those companies need help.

    13. mherndon1696 on

      We have “been going” into a recession since last year. However the market has been on an unprecedented tun for no known reason so its due to correct. Old man Buffett will hold his cash until after the election then buy up everything sold again on the cheap.

    14. RobertPaulsonXX42 on

      This will get buried, but I dont think anyone has hit on the total gravity of this.

      A LONG TERM, go ‘Merica investor just sold HALF of his stake in one of the largest companies in existence. If you needed a bigger signal to get outta the market, I would say this is certainly it…

      I do not believe Buffett would sell this much of his stake in Apple, of all things, given his personal convictions in his stock picks unless he knew its gonna be bad. I could see trimming, but HALF? Ok then…

    15. Already priced in since he already sold. Now which stock is he going to pump with that amount of cash hmm

    16. chawklitdsco on

      What the fuck does that have to do with a recession. Do you even know what a recession is?

      This is called volatility and it happens a few times every year.

    17. Captainkirk05 on

      Buffett sold his airlines and a ton of oil during covid. I still haven’t thanked him for the buying opportunity. Doubled my investment in about 2 years.

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