Buffett obviously either sees another better opportunity or trouble on the horizon with this move. Interested to see how this plays out.


    Posted by WedWealthist


    1. AAPL isn’t the problem here. The problem is that we are in for the reddest August of all time. And he knows it.

    2. Apple pumped even though brk sold so much, if anything this is not terrible news, apart from the fact that if everyone sees this after a red week for stocks they think they are smart and apple must die now yeah sure like that’s how these things usually go hahaha

    3. Makes sense. No longer innovative and just bought stock buy backs will be disastrous long term.

    4. EndTimesForHumanity on

      This will be Apple’s wake up call. It’s wild how many redundant products they have, and how the quality and nickel and diming its consumers has gotten. The same product, same functionality, same os. Just not evolving, the Apple Vision Pro is a flop, the aggressiveness of Apple Store employees to try to get you to demo it is giving Temu.

    5. PsychologicalElk4573 on

      As once Noah built an ark, so does the Oracle build a stock to weather the impending storm.

    6. Tech massive rip is over they have to prove their worth now all the smarts are getting out in tech stocks in droves. If you hold make sure to buy puts or puts regardless

    7. Delicious-Horse-4967 on

      I love how people say that Buffet doesn’t time the market when he always times the market – he’s just wrong some times (like with Kraft or Paramount earlier this year when he was early).

    8. The stock market is where money is moved from the poor to the wealthy – Scammy Buffet

    9. Brief-Frosting405 on

      It’s not because he “sees another opportunity or trouble”. AAPL got overvalued and it became 45% of his public market portfolio. That’s it

    10. Buffet sold a crapload of stock after it hit an all time high and gained significantly for a couple of months. He saw an opportunity to make a bunch of money.

    11. Equivalent_Hat6056 on

      Make sure you watch Ford Tech Makuloco’s video on YouTube about changing those spark plugs if you’re going to do it yourself

    12. SpaceToaster on

      Or just rebalancing. Apple grew to be a huge part and there are better deals out there

    13. Far-Requirement9180 on

      He just was notified many of us regards bought calls after the July’s dip ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

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