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    Posted by Effective_Fun_69


    1. What’s interesting is that stocks that depend on interest rates, like mortgage companies are on a rise.

    2. France mocks Jesus at the last supper in the opening ceremony of the olympics.

      A week later the world economy is crashing.


    3. Considering buying spy puts on Monday so market flips. Not sure if y’all are worth the sacrifice though.

    4. PU_EVIG_REVEN on

      Dammit! I was clueless for months about the stock market. Logged in yesterday in Robinhood for a few seconds to buy some HOOD then logged out. Next thing I know I automatically lost 11% wtf. Perfect timing like always. Even with no news to drive my decision. I’m not freaking selling!

    5. imnotokayandthatso-k on

      Incidentally the 2020 covid pandemic crash was the best time to buy more stock lol

    6. TheMaskedMuslim on

      Man I bought 100k worth of stocks for the first time in my life July 31, and then this happens. Big regard moment

    7. You dumb fucking melon heads. Unless you’re 60 and near retirement, this is what you want. I’m 40 and wealthy and would love to see a 10% pullback so I can shovel more cash in. Fuck, maybe id take a loan just to have more liquid cash if the rates were low. While your goons were selling in 2020, I was buying more. When you sold like a regard in 2022, I bought more. “This time is differenttttttt.” No it’s never different you sack of shit. Buy more you stupid cucks

    8. CatalinaClydesdale on

      It’s because after 2 years of shorting I finally went long on Tuesday. Sorry guys.

    9. As it was is at it will be again.

      Recessions beget wars.
      Wars beget drones.
      Drones beget orders of GPUs.
      GPUs beget sweet tendies.

    10. am_with_stupid on

      I keep telling people, I want the market to be in the toilet until the day that I need my money back. I’m going to buy as much as I can while it’s down.

    11. Normal-Librarian2638 on

      Nothing has been wiped out. The money doesn’t just disappear. What are you talking about?

    12. A. It actually wasn’t the worst day since 2020. It’s the worst day since 2023.
      B. The nasdaq is up 11% for the year. SPY is up 12%
      C. You can make money in down markets too, ya know?

    13. DerpDerpDerp78910 on

      I think everyone is eyeing up intel for a massive rise in the next 18-24 months. 

      Seems too obvious for my liking though. It’s a trap. 

    14. Due_Cheetah_377 on

      Spy still up 13% YTD but drops barely 2% and it’s a a “crash”.

      The fuck you guys are gonna do when we see a real crash?

    15. Buffett be like “Hmmmm, why is Apple still green? Maybe I’ll sell half my stake. That’ll do it”

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