A Short Story – Part 1


    Posted by BooziJackUzi


    1. The funny thing is that he said and is still saying that he is a “long-term investor”. However if you look at the Intel price chart, it has been flat for 3 decades now, which is 30 years of evidence that Intel is a horrible long-term investment.

    2. The best case scenario is he might have half his money left after a decade. Worst case is intc becomes a delisted penny stock.

    3. diamanthaende on

      No matter how high your conviction, no matter how good the company (which Intel really isn’t), never ever blow your whole money on one single stock in your portfolio.

      That’s regarded³.

    4. Negative 1.9M?

      People like you are the reason why negative numbers are represented with parenthesis. (1,900,000)

    5. RagnarokWolves on

      The fact that the Intel guy is participating in meme threads and joking around about it tells me that he’s just trolling. Any rational mind would have cut their losses ASAP the following morning.

    6. take-a-gamble on

      Intel is probably going to hit $15 by next year. Divesting Altera was the first sign of real trouble.

    7. _YourWifesBull_ on

      Just waiting for Intel to announce they’ve figured out quantum computing, and this guy 10x’s his 700k by sheer luck.

    8. ThinBudgetDepartment on

      generational bagholding ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    9. Big_Macaron_1638 on

      Leave this poor guy alone he’s down already (by 200k lmao) Y’all be acting like you didn’t lose 200k of your grandma’s inheritance at least once in your lifetime.

    10. Imaginary-Ostrich876 on

      I mean he will proballt make that money back in the long he is just losing alot short term.

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