I have been buying OTM UVXY calls for a while, but I was / am expecting much higher returns. Am I a regard?


    Posted by BoringPudding3986


    1. C1rcu1704444 on

      You left that over the weekend?!! If I ever had returns like that I would close by EOD or the second there looked to be a significant drop. Better to secure the gains then bet over a weekend. Just way too many things can happen.

    2. MisterDegenerate1 on

      Yeah man….. ultra regard. 4,000% gain and you want a few more dollars? If you wanna go full regard at least take your profits and throw 1k at something similar.

    3. Yes, never do this again. Though, you could get lucky Monday. Risk reward not worth it and Vix will suck you soul out quickly

    4. HammondEggersM60 on

      Its settled…you’re regarded. And so am I…and so are them…him too. And her…

    5. GeneralAustismo on

      You made 4000% gains on an option and you’re still holding? What are you waiting for?

      You’re highly regarded. And it’s giving me a raging boner. Respect, you fucking savage.

    6. RevolutionaryPhoto24 on

      I’d have sold most if not all. Wish you luck, though. (Sort of. Am conflicted.)

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