A lot of red flags lately. Buffet selling $3.8 B worth of BofA the past 12 days and unloading 50% of Apple stock is hard to ignore. Even Nancy sold MSFT. Might stick with small caps momentum trading in the green at open tomorrow to play it safe. That’s if anything opens in the green tomorrow lol

    Will Tomorrow Be The Next Black Monday?
    byu/LoveMore123 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by LoveMore123


    1. I feel like IWM will recover better/faster than SPY or QQQ

      but the golden rule is to inverse your gut feeling so calls on SPY/QQQ and puts on IWM 🫡

    2. Why don’t you mention that Nancy bought nvda calls? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. ImASadPandaz on

      The fact that so many people think it will be red almost guarantees it will be green. Black Monday was in no way expected. If it were it would have been priced in.

    4. lol those are some weak catalysts for a Black Monday. Most of you guys I bet haven’t experienced a real downturn.

    5. Pelosi bought more NVDA. It’s a good stock but is going under due to market corrections!

    6. fluffyinternetcloud on

      When Buffett rolls with a huge cash position he knows things are going down. Follow the whale NANC and see what she is selling that’s an indicator of where things are going.

    7. Time-Philosophy0323 on

      The incoming instability in the Middle East and buffet selling are why markets will likely be red.

      Would not be surprised though for futures and overnight trading to fall a ton and then recover some during day tomorrow, but still quite red end of day.

    8. Chicago-Jelly on

      It’s times like these that I consider *NOT* losing money as equivalent to winning. When the market was on fire, I risked it all on bets that were barely hedged, but at this particular moment, I’ll take the 4.5% interest in a savings account and wait for the dust to settle. -Actively fighting FOMO

    9. Biden will declare that Monday ain’t black and we will all live happily ever after

    10. Chart-trader on

      No we are oversold. Should actually become a good positive day.
      There are still so many retail traders that see this as a buying opportunity. Unless we lose some high paying jobs where folks can finally not afford anymore to buy VOO and VOO only a bottom is in.

      In order to get a Bear Market we have to get to a point where Bogleheads have to decide to either buy more VOO or buy other stuff. Either way only when Bogleheads feel an economic pinch we have a chance of a serious correction. But that only happens if we finally lose some white collar jobs.

    11. SyrianDictator on

      It’s a real shame that more of you weren’t false positive on the pregnancy test.

    12. No, because if all the signs make it obvious that something will happen then it doesn’t 

    13. Material_Student_487 on

      Yes. Sell everything. A 90% drawdown in stocks that lasts 25 years is starting tomorrow.

    14. Curious_Proof_5882 on

      This sub is ridiculous. Warren buffet sold his stock over a month ago and Apple still rallied to ATH. Warren Buffett also sold all his travel shares at the Covid bottom. He’s sitting on such a large cash pile and has missed billions in gains from 2023-2024. Everyone takes his decisions like the lord of god.

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