1. Altruistic-Sense-593 on

      Women’s beach volleyball should be the only sport in the olympics

    2. Prediction for tomorrow August 05, 2024

      AAPL: $205 – $207

      NVDA: $92 – $94

      SPY: $502 – $503

      If not Black Monday then Black Tuesday when everyone and their grandmas hit the panic button.

    3. I just thought of a foolproof way to make money in this market. I’m not telling you regards though ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. Ready2gambleboomer on

      *The white bikini USA beach volleyball team is quite watchable. I approve this broadcast.*

    5. Historical_Handle_25 on

      Futes green, bers questioning their existence ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    6. ilovethewayyousmile on

      Everyone here thinks everyone in here so bearish. You know what that means

    7. thezenunderground on

      I think if we take Friday at face value, we need to expect that the market is going to act in preparation for a recession, regardless of whether one is coming or not. I of all people am hoping for a gap fill reversal of the spy, early in the week, but I think until we establish any kind of real upward momentum, any price movement of the indices needs to be viewed in the framework of establishing a higher low. Evidence:

      – The vix rose above 20 friday, anything above an 18 generally signals a more meaningful drop than a simple correction

      -The SPX and NDX not only are losing the moving averages, but they now seem to be acting as resistance, and the selling action is coming in on skrong volume.

      -The RSI on SPX, QQQ, and DIA are all in beatdown territory, but still not oversold by any means

      – The sectors that did the best on Friday were TLT(long dated bonds), Utilities, and Real Estate. This is classic defensive posturing.

      – We actually saw the KRE(small banks) and oil stocks tank. One would think in a rate cut environment, this would be bullish for these stocks, but only in an economic environment is strengthening and consumer spending is increasing.

      And if we look at these technical indicators, we have to ask if the macro-data is backing up the movements. Jobs data missed completely, coming in at 114k instead of the expected 175k, indicating the economy is weakening. Big tech revenues are coming in light weight.

      I do think its important to realize that these giant moves are made by hedge funds, who have very different priorities than the average retail trader/investor. Do I think its time to sell everything and go to cash/bonds. No not yet. But I do think it’s important to realise that this card is now on the table, and to make decisions within the framework of a recesssion being a possibility.

      There are some real line-in-the-sand moments moving forward. Both SPX and NDQ are approaching major structure on the weekly time frame. Right now, as shitty as everything has been, we are still in an uptrend. Hell, the weekly SPY chart is just now putting in its *first* red bar on the MACD. What we don’t want to see is the monthly charts start to put in lower highs/lows.

      In the meantime, I’m gonna be selectively buying the dips, holding on to core positions, trimming some fat and putting it into the TLT and boring boomer companies like Procter and Gamble. I’m expecting tech to not have a good time moving forward, but I’m also not selling those positions until we get clear indicators that shit is going to stay bad for the foreseeable future.

    8. King-Doge-VII on

      NVDA will be the one stonk that stands strong through the incoming Greater Depression. M@rk my words, regards. NVDA will lose some battles yet not the war. Gray Bers will pick off dollars here and there, but by the end of the year Jensen will be jizzing and NVDA bag holders will be rejoicing.

      NVDA $150 EOY, recession or no recession, bers will be fk and bulls will be rich

    9. JusticeBrennanBurner on

      I’m literally the most regarded permabol in the world and even I know how obvious ![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057) tomorrow is

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