I know this subreddit has a reputation for glorifying losses, making fun of "regards," and laughing at others' financial pain. But I want to highlight something more profound I've noticed about this community.

    There's a side to WSB that brings me hope. When someone shares loss porn and comments that they're genuinely struggling, talking about their life being over or feeling suicidal…over and over I’ve seen the comments filled with encouragement and support. It's not something you'd expect from our usual chaos, but it's real and impactful.

    I want to say thank you to everyone who goes out of their way to lift others up in those dark moments. Your words and actions make a difference, proving that even in the midst of the madness, there's a community here that cares.

    Stay strong, WSB. Let's keep looking out for each other.

    WSB: More than just Regards
    byu/ObseenKarma inwallstreetbets

    Posted by ObseenKarma


    1. Searched OPs history and he’s just a degenerate for Sports betting. No real loss porn on WSB.

    2. I wish the sub would be less trash talk and more strategy. Very little useful information here anymore without a lot of doom scrolling

    3. FornyHuttBucker69 on

      whats wrong with being suicidal? this world sucks for most people. if they want to risk their future of an empty 30 years of labor for a chance at a tolerable life, and take the easy way out if it fails, who are you to say thats the wrong choice?

    4. If we really are at the start of things coming apart then its gonna get a lot worse for a lot of people, a kind word and some helpful advice goes a long way. Everyones had that fuck up that makes your stomach churn and it sucks. Sometimes the best thing is to walk away, take a break, and come back fresh. Its just money, you can always bounce back. Help each other out sometimes! Good luck out there friends.

    5. Are we scrolling the same sub? There’s far more trash talk and shit posting than there is encouragement. This sub has lost all its power. Together we could beat hedge funds with ease yet everyone just talks about each other’s wives, girlfriends, Wendy’s, being regarded, and now grandma. This place is honestly a wasteland with so much wasted potential.

    6. wasifaiboply on

      Here here. We’re a bunch of absolutely savage, heartless monsters but only at the surface level.

      No one here worth talking to wants to actually see anyone get hurt. Great post.

    7. offtheplug436 on

      Kinda funny when u think losing $10k is the end of everything and someone else post $1M loss the same day, literally 10k feels like nothing … maybe this is a terrible way to cope with this lmao

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