Robinhood 24 hour market just started and QQQ already almost 2% down. Tomorrow looking very red…

    Posted by Dvorak_Pharmacology


    1. I’m gonna laugh so hard if it closes green tomorrow. I’m buying the dip. My TMF positions will more than make up for any temporary dips on the Q’s. Stonks go up.

    2. toastedzergling on

      Come on Robin Hood, I get enough of the Sunday scaries from work stress, now you got to be giving me push notifications for all of my stocks being down 10% on the 24-hour market? Guh.

    3. Salt_Yak_3866 on

      manufactured crisis.

      The S&P companies are posting record earnings and guiding higher, and the fed is about to start qe.

      Just don’t understand the hyperbole

    4. It’s always when people on Wall Street find some new fucked up way to invest, and then they do a shit ton of it with arrogance and confidence.

      This the yen carry trade couldn’t possibly backfire.

    5. Few_Needleworker_922 on

      And of course I have calls…. thank god my depends absorb blood stains.

    6. callmeladygrey on

      Better watch out for your 82 cents invested! How are you going to pay for your next load of laundry?!

    7. The market is due for a correction. The question is how big the correction is going to be.

      The other question will be what to buy that will have a good upside once the dust of the correction settles.

    8. Doogertron64 on

      Part of me is really happy I turned around and ended the week up 4700$ but another part wishes I held my Tesla 180 puts now that I see tech is dying on the market

    9. darkcreamale on

      Why does half of this sub think this is a mild correction & the other half think its a depression?

    10. TheMorningAfterKill on

      It’s really not that big of a deal. Knee jerk reaction to news that came out over the weekend.

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