Japanese Stocks are Crashing


    Posted by Suspicious-Bad4703


    1. Churrasquinho on

      Specifically: their biggest bank (their JP Morgan) has had its biggest fall ever

    2. Selling so they can rotate back into US securities because rate cuts are on the table.

    3. Sell everything spend it on hookers and alcohol. Everything will look better thant the hangover you will have.

    4. It’s the Japanese yen strengthening. The Nikkei rallied hard due to a super weak yen

    5. Meanie_Cream_Cake on

      Japan financial shenanigans will be like the 2008 housing debt bubble catalyst of 2024.

      Clutch your pearls because shit is about to get hairy.

    6. Total-Business5022 on

      Don’t worry….your Japanese stocks will buy you more bitcoin than they did on Friday.

    7. quicksilverth0r on

      Looks like BOJ doesn’t have their back anymore.

      I imagine it’s not just the rate changes but the prospect of less etf buying.

    8. If I eat an edible at approximately 4am I don’t have to wake up tomorrow til market close

    9. TomatoSpecialist6879 on

      Yeaaaaaaaaaah I was still considering what happen to be a healthy quarter long correction until I saw Nikkei crashing.

      I hate doom and gloomers, but we’re most likely standing at the starting point of another global recession. For those who weren’t active market participants during the several major economic events like ’08 crash or the dotcom boom into 9/11, it always started like this way before retails found out why. Institutes, whales, banks, etc always find out first and cash out while suppressing information from leaking out.

      Man the bears are going to be annoyingly active for a foreseeable future smh

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