I would just like to apologize to everyone. Every time I buy a stock, it crashes within a week. I finally said I'm done with dealing with that inevitability so last week I bought a few ETFs. Since the stock market couldn't punish me by just forcing one stock to tank, it apparently caused the entire stock market to crash, so that my ETFs would also crash.

    I'm very sorry.

    My apologies
    byu/tannels inwallstreetbets

    Posted by tannels


    1. StressPositive276 on

      Thank you I conducted my first trade in years and doubled down on rivian puts, wish I went with dell

    2. wickedsoloist on

      Looks like i have found my twin in usa. Everytime i buy a stock in turkish stock market, we end up endless crisis. Everytime i dont have stock, market just casually makes %50-2x gains. 

      I bought a stock option in friday after stayin away for months. Looks like my beloved country is about to declare war on Israel soon. Lol.

    3. Mysterious-Low1529 on

      I did the same, all ETF and right after I bought it fuckin crashes. I ve been unlucky since I was born

    4. Apology NOT accepted. I’ve been trading a few months and was doing well until you started buying ETFs. This is all your fault.

    5. Main-comp1234 on

      I don’t feel you are being honest here.

      Otherwise you’d just sell it all come market open

    6. I’m like 90% spy and voo and somehow breakeven for since 2020 without even selling.

    7. izzytheasian on

      I sold the majority of my holdings like 90% on Thursday wow. I didn’t think it would get this bad I just wasn’t happy with the chop but man great market timing on my end

    8. DeutschhUtre on

      Don’t worry, folks. I am here to save the economy. Me and my cat are buying puts. Green confirmed!

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