pls post losses when mkt opens. Thank you
    currently down by one chromosome and $800 1200

    edit: i forgot i have two other portfolios, we fucked

    edit2: UVXY hit 55. congrats to that regard with 55c

    edit3: Spy to 500 or nah?

    edit: correct US number is 988

    edit4: let's go barbie, let's go party

    edit: can't login to my adult brokerages; they're down…. Robinhood running strong

    Suicide prevention hotline – Dial 998
    byu/Softspokenclark inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Softspokenclark


    1. Own-Guava6397 on

      I would call but Verizon won’t let me make those now that I can’t pay them

    2. Blazed-n-Dazed on

      Remember the most important thing you can diamond hand is your life. Health and well being come first money can always be won and lost.

    3. GuHWallStreetBets on

      Time for you to be put into a mental asylum and diagnose you as a fellow regardd

    4. upside_win111 on

      When suicide prevention lines start getting posted, usually that indicates the bottom is in.

    5. Khrizantema-S on

      I did puts of various strikes and dates on JPM, once they sell off and report the losses on their someodd 5 trillion of risky investments the stock could tank well below 100$. But thats just my theory, don’t take my word for it.

    6. You know it’s going to be bad when the number gets posted lucky for me I lost everything last year 😂

    7. No_Firefighter_4225 on

      I am going back to good old slots and blackjack ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    8. dude i started investing some money like 2 months ago, and now everything is fucking dying what is happening

    9. “hello, I am about to go out because of stock crush”

      “dont worry, I lost 4 figures at morning too, its just a money, at least you not the guy who dumped 700k of his nuna savings into intel”

      “no, its literaly me”

      “… can I sujest a good rope seller to you?”

    10. Might post loss porn later, but I’m down 33k this week. All in stocks so I’m not too worried. I’m not happy, but I’m not suicidal either

    11. skippy_smooth on

      The advantage of diversification is seeing multiple lines of blood red numbers in the account.

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