I think this sell-off is overdone. Unlike Covid, the economy is not shutting down. Unlike 2008, there is no big dynamo crashing. On the contrary, American companies are quite productive, their earnings insanely high, and US economy is doing relatively good. The biggest threat to the companies was Biden imposing taxes – even that is out. We are also up for a rate fall cycle, which just makes the money cheaper.

    TLDR: this is a panic sale. Could have been caused by fear and Japanese yen investors, but this has no wings. Buy, buy, buy!

    This panic sale is an opportunity to buy
    byu/blackSwanCan inwallstreetbets

    Posted by blackSwanCan


    1. NVDA is struggling its way back from 15% down on market opening. It’s recovering about 5% so far

    2. Lydias_lovin_bucket on

      If you’re buying to hold long term it’s stupid not to get at the discount. If you’re gambling whatever position you take it will be wrong unless of course your shorted over the weekend and got the sweet 5k percent gain on spy puts. Congrats

    3. Amdvoiceofreason on

      Got on at 6:30am Pacific time was down 6.5% went to make breakfast and now it’s only down 4% lol

      End of the World avoided

    4. Consumers can’t afford groceries and dude thinks biggest threat to economy is Biden taxes

    5. SmoothBrainSavant on

      I always thought wsb was about short term plays. Idk i just rode apple from 199 to 208 in like 20 mins, closed it and now will enjoy breakfast and check back after 10:30. I have no clue about longterm im too smoothbrained for that as my LT portfolio can attest.

    6. networkninja2k24 on

      Buy it down. That’s the only way. I am not gonna sit here and pretend like it won’t go down more. People are hurting and market definitely needs a reset. This is how shit will get cheaper.

    7. BendBoth8971 on

      The afterhours would have been a great time to step in for the huge discount:

      Msft $360
      GOGGL + Amzn $150
      Nvda $90
      Meta $440

      Most have recovered to their previous support level, the margin calls on the leveraged yen abusers was a nice discount. Could have been an easy day trade for 10% or hold long term investment.

    8. Well that’s cool and all, but all 3 big brokerages are down right now so we just get to watch the ride not participate

    9. Distinct_Earth_7361 on

      Ppl who sold on opening crying rn, was down 8% since Friday now only 6%, I didn’t hear no bell 🔔

    10. Sucks if you’re in Schwab. They’re only giving access to the elite. Us poors have to wait and can’t buy the fear.

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