Bought SPY and AAPL puts at open. Did not end well

    Posted by Gorzan1117


    1. I see you still have a lot left in the tank. Did the US give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

    2. planteater65 on

      Why would you buy PUTS at open after a ridiculous overnight sell-off….. that’s on you not the sub….

    3. Greasemonkey213 on

      First time?

      your supposed to inverse all WSB plays ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. Dude. You don’t buy puts on open when futures are already down by this much.
      You can buy puts today for tomorrow but not like this man.

    5. Illustrious_Hotel527 on

      You should change your account to Schwab so that you won’t have access to it..

    6. SituationHappy on

      I’m in this sub. Just don’t listen to anything anyone says. They’re all regards. Some are lucky, most lose the house.

    7. lostfinancialsoul on

      op takes on near unlimited risk and blames the sub ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    8. No-Nectarine-1405 on

      This was just your initiation ritual, wait until you lose BIG timeemote:t5_2th52:4271

    9. Accomplished_Ease926 on

      Literally no one said to buy outs at open🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ if you asked most people they would don’t. There’s a really good chance that the market was going to start of with a really big dip and then slowly increase through the rest of the day.

    10. TreeEven2890 on

      You didn’t actually take the advice from us did you? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    11. this is the “should I quit my day job to be a FT Trader” guy. I think you got an answer back then that basically said : NO
      Why covet such an awful job ?

    12. No-Obligation7435 on

      You’re supposed to join this sub for the lols, not for advice… Tsk tsk

    13. alwayslookingout on

      You’ve posted 4 loss threads in the last 30 days. At this point stop blaming r/WSB. You just suck at options.

    14. MisterDegenerate1 on

      You used 75% of your account on a gamble ……. Why ? I assume they also end this week?

    15. KrochKanible on

      This sub is really for making yourself feel better after you clusterfuck yourself.

      Take me for instance. I should have sold last week. My son told me to. Buffet told me to. He’ll, even Cramer said to buy. But did I sell? No.

      But I see today some poor fucking regard, who really should be in a home specializing in degenerates, buying puts at open.


      Now I feel much better.

    16. pokesturrrrr on

      Lol I love how OP’s first reaction is to blame Reddit. What a true degen 🫡

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