Do not fear. Jerome Powell will save us.

    Posted by ActElectronic5946


    1. East_Cheek_5088 on

      Gonna copy pasta

      JP always start his FOMC press conference with “Good afternoon. My colleagues and I remain squarely focused on achieving our dual mandate goals of maximum employment and stable prices for the benefit of the American people.” not imma keep yo calls ITM

    2. We’re up 10.5% for the year and it’s August. Stocks are on sale. The bull run continues.

    3. ThisKarmaLimitSucks on

      The good news is that JPow has a 5.5% interest rate buffer to work with without launching QE (and I still think that FFR is too low). The bad news is that his hands are tied after the last $5T stimulus bazooka. Inflation and deficits are too high to just fire another round, and woe unto the USD if he does.

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