If iTs GoOd EnOuGh To ScReEn ShOt ItS GoOd EnOuGh To SeLl – 19,000% profit. Locked In.


    Posted by BoringPudding3986


    1. Afraid_Molasses_899 on

      i dont understand contracts on UVXY instead of VIX.

      The leverage should be factored into the premium you pay and make the % gain difference between the two irrelevant, but VIX options should have high liquidity.

    2. Key_Bored_Whorier on

      Here is my play book for huge gains: 

      1. Screenshot, post, text, etc.

      2. Consider selling. Decide it’s not worth it because I don’t want to pay the taxes on the gains. 

      3. Subsequently lose way more money overall for the year so I wouldn’t be paying taxes anyways.

    3. at first I thought this was a 20x and then realized it’s a 200x ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    4. I was watching the market throughout the night and checked in on your position several times. You caught a once or twice in a decade event and rode most of the move. Glad you closed out, it would have been insane not to.

    5. MisterDegenerate1 on

      Someone mentioned this Friday, and I looked but didn’t understand leveraged plays 💀

    6. Ok_Telephone82 on

      So it was a 19,000% return in only 4 days time? That much in that short amount of time Or am I misunderstanding something?

    7. This guy out here actually sticking to the black swan strategy until it worked. Congrats and fuck you

    8. Heavy_Aerie2196 on

      Wow bro, huge congrats. I did a similar thing with Dell ER back in March. From $100 to $12600, 10 contracts purchased at 0.1 each

      What’s your next move? Need a similar small play

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