Still hold some puts expire 8/9. Am I cooked?

    Posted by Specialist-Shirt2149


    1. JeromePowellLovesMe on

      You need to watch more than one youtube on the greeks. You should have sold the puts with that kind of money (spreads) instead of buying them.

    2. Plane_Ad_8675309 on

      You did it backwards, you sell the puts when they are expensive, and buy when cheap .

    3. Available_Cake_8572 on

      Dam now I feel much better about only being down -3% for the day but I did the opposite I bought calls and looks like I’ll be a happy man tomorrow morning.

    4. Redditor for 2 years.

      Hasn’t made a single post.

      First post is the mother of all loss porn.

      Welcome to r/wallstreetbets.

    5. Bro didn’t even finish the 101-level introductory course on options and thought he was ready to play. Appreciate the gorgeous loss porn! Meet me behind the dumpster behind Wendy’s for your crisp twenty.

    6. This is what happens when you chase it.

      If you didn’t buy on Friday you missed the boat.

    7. I assume every post is fake if no positions are posted with the initial post or something in the comments.

    8. I hope this statement puts things in perspective for you and brings you back down to earth:

      I could’ve paid my mortgage off two times with what you lost today.

    9. Decent_Idea_7701 on

      After N% premarket sell off. Wsb regard came in and bought more puts. Fukinh classic.

    10. TAG_Scottsdale on

      The put premiums were fucking JUICED on the open too. Rumor has it OPs asshole is still bleeding.

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