Yes. I was able to unlock margin and double down during the dip.

    Posted by TheosophOracle


    1. StockholmStock on

      You’ll never be successful at this if you just blame others for your own failures.

    2. One of the worst mistakes you can make as a trader/investor: blame everybody else for your fuck ups.

    3. My new option tip

      Whenever you see a big gain or loss, just do the opposite of that post immediately

      The law of averages guarantees you come out on top

    4. The-Night-Raven on

      Your first mistake asuming everyone here are your friends. Most of these regards would fuck your mom for a dollar.

    5. make_love_to_potato on

      What are you talking about? The tips are so that we get that sweet loss porn.

    6. UncomfyNoises on

      You said 77d ago “don’t rely on randoms on reddit” and here you are 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

    7. lmfao how are people doing this to their accounts?? So many posts today of regards who tossed 50-80% of their account into weekly options and lost 5-6 figures. I can’t even imagine the blind greed it takes to put $100k into a coin toss like that

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