The market crash is relentless…

    Posted by GoldRobin17


    1. bloodandsunshine on

      The uncontrollable urge to call any rise after getting rocked a bull trap/dead cat bounce is strong here.

    2. It was Intel earnings, just wait for NVDA ones in 3 weeks ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    3. I’m kind of pissed the markets aren’t down more, I had planned to buy my way to bottom and then ride my cost basis back up to the moon. Theres still time for second crash but still disappointed.

    4. wasifaiboply on


      You guys are fucking goldfish caught in the twenty four hour news cycle. Japan’s market has their worst trading day in literal decades and it goes back to “normal” the following day and you really truly think everything is fine.

      They’re going to eat you fucking alive these next few weeks and it’s gonna make my heart hurt but the 🌈🐻 inside who seeks retribution will revel.

      Stay safe traders. Also, eat shit bulls.

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