Most profitable wallstreetbets user

    Posted by SugondeseYeets_69


    1. MouthBreatherGaming on

      What would Redditors be if not flogging the same shit over and over into the ground. SQUAWK! Polly wanna cracker?

    2. ballisticbuddha on

      Guy deserves a special place on the banner of this sub. Only WSB can produce such certified USDA 100% Organic Regard

    3. Hashtag_reddit on

      Honestly, the only thing this kid did wrong was not diversifying. He could have bought INTC plus a mix of mag 7 stocks and would only have lost a fraction of what he actually lost

    4. StonksWizard5296 on

      What’s sad is that on 7/17 on the daily it put up a huge warning sign of weakness. Price pushed up to 37.16 on high volume and couldn’t go higher. This was screaming weakness the days that followed validated the weakness. Earnings was on 8/1 should of waited until then to see if price would hold the level or plummet. It plummeted hard feel bad for bro. He got life changing money and has lost nearly half of it in under a week or so.

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