Can't post more than one screenshot for some reason so plays will be posted in comments

    Posted by jerseynate


    1. Training-Wave-7208 on

      There’s probably no way I could convince you to stop is there? I’ve been on that high. The losing hangover is a bitch

    2. Get those profits, you still are in a good place.

      There is too much volatility rn.

    3. DeutschhUtre on

      What the fuck. You haven’t verified your email address yet, but you made lots of profits.

    4. Unlisted_User69420 on

      Whatever you think, do not panic, it will be VOLATILE the next 90-180 days. HODL

    5. Scavwithaslick on

      Pay off any debts, max out your Roth ira, then do whatever you want with the rest. I recommend hookers and blow, but if you want to waste your money investing that’s on you

    6. gambling addict rarely make money on long run

      dude’s brain hooked on that gambler dopamine rush

    7. If you did that with $470… imagine what you would do with $700K.

      If only we knew someone.

    8. That’s pretty nuts for blackjack. Not sure how possible such a slow climb to even tripple up. How did you do this? Bonus bets?

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